Isabella Young
Isabella Young (B.Ed., M.Ed. pre.) studied and taught Physical Education, Outdoor Education, Health, and Exercise Physiology to undergraduates and postgraduates in Victoria, Australia. She was a pioneer in the establishment, development, and research of therapeutic Outdoor Education programs in Australia, and a founder of Out Doors Inc. (www.outdoorsinc.org.au), a non-profit organization that has provided outdoor adventure and recreation programs for people with poor mental health since 1987.
Her first book, Putting on the Armor of God: A survival handbook for the Great Awakening and New Earth, exposes the war on Humanity and what we can do to protect and empower ourselves. Her second book, New Human of New Earth, offers readers hundreds of natural medicines, body technologies, and spiritual technologies to optimize physical and mental health, expansion of consciousness, multidimensionality, and sovereignty.