Spiritual Spotlight Series

From Trauma to Empowerment: Isabella Young's Journey of Spiritual Awakening and Sovereignty

Rachel Garrett, RN, CCH / Isabella Young Episode 215

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Prepare to be inspired by Isabella Young's powerful story of resilience and transformation. Imagine enduring the trials of a dysfunctional family and a manipulative cult, only to emerge with a profound spiritual awakening. 

That's exactly what happened to Isabella, who joins us to share her journey from atheism to finding solace and strength through nature and spiritual practices in Hawaii. 

Her heart-wrenching loss and courageous fight to reclaim her life will leave you in awe.

Isabella's voyage from trauma to empowerment is a testament to the human spirit's capacity for healing. She reveals the importance of moving beyond a victim mentality and taking ownership of one's life, using tools like grounding, astrology, and a deep connection with the earth. 

Her books, "Putting on an Armor of God" and "New Human of New Earth," serve as guides to awaken others to the manipulative systems in society and the ongoing paradigm shift. 

Isabella's wisdom and experiences highlight the significance of recognizing divine guidance and the higher frequencies reshaping our world.

In a world rife with societal corruption and hidden forces attacking our sovereignty, Isabella's story underscores the necessity of conscious choices and self-love in the healing process. 

She discusses the challenges of facing a death wish, the importance of decentralized, self-sustaining communities, and the journey of breaking free from fear-based mind control. 

Embracing nature and nurturing self-love are key themes in her message, offering powerful insights into reclaiming sovereignty and fostering a future of freedom and well-being. 

Join us for an eye-opening episode filled with transformative wisdom and practical techniques for personal growth.

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Speaker 1:

Hello everyone, welcome to another Spiritual Spotlight. Today I am joined by Isabella Young. She is a cult survivor researcher, author, photographer, digital artist, gardener, ocean lover and nature lover. Thank you so much for coming on the Spiritual Spotlight series. I'm so happy you're here.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, Rachel. I'm very excited to be here and to share what I've learned from my experiences with you and your audience. Oh, I love it.

Speaker 1:

So let's just jump right in. So, isabella, your life journey has been extraordinary and deeply challenging. Can you maybe share how your personal tragedies and experiences with cults shaped your healing journey and led you to where you are today and led you to where you are today.

Speaker 2:

I have had a lot of tragedies in my life, but I know now that every experience that I had has got me to where I am now, where I'm living as much as I can as a sovereign being. I'm thriving, I'm enjoying my life and I'm no longer suffering, which is the main thing, because I really did suffer a lot. My family was my first cult. My mother had a narcissistic personality disorder and she was an alcoholic and she made our lives hell. I've learned a lot about since I've started studying about narcissism. I can see now how the family dynamics were. The children were triangulated and, you know, everyone had to please her and those who did were, you know, there was a golden child and then there was me and I was a scapegoat. So she sent me on my way into the world, where I then well, actually, I did emerge from the family as an atheist. I was a very arrogant atheist. I looked down upon people who were religious and talked about God, and I spat the word God out with all the hatred that I could until I was in my early 20s and I met an extraordinary human being. He ended up being my partner for a while and we started our spiritual journey together and that really awakened me to the fact that there is a lot more that can be seen and felt and tasted and touched and whatever. Anyway, we lived together, we were living out a dream of being self-sufficient on land, and we had a child, and I was pregnant with our second child and he died suddenly, which just completely destroyed me, my life, my dreams, my hopes for a family, and I went on a quest to try and find a reason to live again, because I really didn't want to be here, but I had children and I was pregnant, so I had to find a way forward and I stumbled around in the wilderness for years, not knowing where was home. You know who I could trust. And I ended up meeting a man who he ended up being the cult leader, just to make a spoiler alert and I thought I had met my guru because I was obsessed, really, about my spiritual path and becoming what I, you know enlightened, even though I didn't really know what it meant. So I thought I'd met my guru and I was what I, you know enlightened, even though I didn't really know what it meant. So I thought I'd met my guru and I was joining an ashram but really I met a cult leader and was going to be part of the cult and that was hell those years I had my children there. That was hell those years I had my children there and while we lived as a family, he believed he was the second coming.

Speaker 2:

I always had doubts but you know, I was brainwashed, I was mind controlled, I was really fucked in the head. Basically just to say how it was for me. And after eight years of just just well, like a celibate marriage, we had sex one time and I conceived my daughter and, uh, then celibate after that, never touched me, told me I. You know, it was for my high school, or I'd been disrespectful and didn't deserve his touch, or I was too much like a man, I, I was too needy all these excuses. And it turns out later we find out that he's been grooming the boys in the cult and raping the men and having heaps of sex with randoms throughout the entire marriage.

Speaker 2:

And then one day my son came home from school. He was really upset and he didn't want to talk about it. The next day he was missing and we reported him missing to the police and the cult leader sent out his assistant to look for him and he was found behind the house with a neck wound and the cult leader spun it that he'd taken his own life. It was my fault because I hadn't given him the life that he'd wanted. I dishonoured his soul, so he checked out and now I know that that was a framed suicide that was set up.

Speaker 2:

My son was murdered. So it's taken a long time. So all this happened a long time ago. It's only now, like 16 years later, that I can piece together what happened and then be healed enough to be able to talk about it. So once I got out of the cold, well, he, finally let me go. He wasn't going to let me go of the cult. Uh, well, he finally let me go. He wasn't going to let me go. He told me that I, um, uh, I would. My other children would go the same way as my son, so they would die or kill themselves or whatever and that I my soul would scream throughout eternity realizing the mistake I've made.

Speaker 2:

when I left him because I'd, you know, lived all these tens of thousands of lifetimes in order to come and train with him, but I just wanted to die and I think he let me go because he knew he would have had another death on his hands.

Speaker 2:

And once I left there, I came to Hawaii and that's really when my healing started, and it was because I was immersed in nature. I just hiked and I swam in the ocean and just spent a lot of time on the ground gardening, and that really helped heal my heart. I started sun gazing every day and while that's looked upon as a woo-woo practice, it's probably the most powerful practice that any of us can do now, because when we sun gaze, we take into the organs in our brain the highest light frequency available to us on the planet, so it just goes straight into the brain, brings in new information, higher information, light codes I don't know whatever else dna activations. I don't fully understand exactly what it does, but I know. For me it expanded my consciousness so that I was able to then see what happened to me, why it happened, and then once I recognised the cult, that I was in a cult, you know. These were all the cult characteristics that I'd lived through.

Speaker 2:

I could then see how those same type of characteristics the brainwashing, the mind control, control, the psyops and the uh, you know, the um attacks on the physical body, so that you're not in a strong place to see clearly. I could see how then they, those things, were playing out on the world stage. And then I started to uh write about what I could see, and um, yeah, I'm in the process of finishing my second book now, which is like hundreds of natural medicines and body technologies and spiritual technologies that are available to us so that we can be powerful, that we can be optimally healthy, that we can uh be free, we can live as sovereign beings and, um, we can be co-creators of a world that we'd like to live in, not this bullshit that we currently all subjected to.

Speaker 1:

So, so that's uh that's a lot in a little bit of time.

Speaker 2:

I'm sorry that you went through that.

Speaker 1:

That's a lot and I want to ask you a couple of questions to follow up with that. So your work includes spiritual technologies, as you just said, for expanding consciousness and achieving sovereignty. Could you maybe elaborate on some of these spiritual practices and how they can help individuals on their spiritual paths?

Speaker 2:

Well, like I said, the first one is to be in nature, to be quiet and to be in nature and to be open-hearted, open-minded and present, to be able to communicate with nature, to be able to receive information, receive energy and receive guidance or whatever it is. So spend as much time as possible in nature and then sun gazing. Same thing just when the sun's just about to rise. Face east, be as relaxed as possible through a like a lowered gaze. Just receive sunlight for just a few seconds to start with, because it's a pretty powerful practice and um, and be relaxed, because being relaxed is the optimal state for receptivity. So be relaxed and then be grateful and give thanks. Do the same thing at the end of the day when the sun's setting, uh, and that will transform your life. It's absolutely extraordinary.

Speaker 1:

How did you go from having like a very like toxic childhood to then going into a cult where your son was murdered? You obviously mental abuse. How did you shift into like being grateful for things, like that's a big shift in like transformation and everything? How did you shift into that?

Speaker 2:

I think I just followed that advice that it's important to be grateful for everything, to see that life is serving us, not like attacking us. Things happen for us, not to us, to really take ownership of that, because I just felt like a victim for such a long time. You know why is this happening to me? I'm not a bad person, but all this bad shit keeps on happening, just people dying and, you know, family abandoning me. You know why, why, why and then so I just had to take a really honest look because I understood that I was on a spiritual path, that I was healing and evolving and I was hearing for a long time yes, I hear voices. I was hearing for a long time to heal and serve. So I followed that uh guidance.

Speaker 2:

I like that you were open to that guidance to heal and serve yeah, well, I heard it really loudly, you know, like some one time I heard just it was just yelling at me to. So I couldn't ignore the fact that I was hearing my higher self, or divine guidance, or God, or whatever you want to call it. I'll call it God because it was a word that, like I said, as a child, I spat it out, but now I use it with great reverence and love because that's my life, my heart, my soul, my source. So I started listening and, uh, I always had a connection with nature.

Speaker 2:

My dad used to take us out camping and I loved being um. I did a lot of outdoor activities. I trained as a outdoor education teacher so I did climbing and talk climbing and skiing and hiking, and then I did a PhD in outdoor education and mental health. So nature has been a theme throughout my life and it was really deep, deepening my connection with nature, that that's really this where I find the spiritual technologies that I use, and the other one that I use is grounding. So I haven't worn shoes for about. I mean, well, you know, obviously, when I'm going through airports or walking around on hot roads I wear shoes, but generally I don't wear shoes.

Speaker 2:

So I stay directly connected to earth because that's where my power comes from, as well as from nature and the sun and all that. But the earth's a battery. So I'm directly connected to earth. That balances me physiologically, electromagnetically, and that means that, as the earth's going through all the changes which is happening now, with the higher frequencies of light that are coming and bombarding the planet more and more every day, that means that I'm connected to earth. So the changes that are happening are happening to me too, so I'm not thrown around as much. I'm not. You know I don't suffer all these ascension symptoms. Sometimes I do you know if there's a particularly strong like a lot of an x-class flare from the sun, or you know some really powerful planetary alignments, because I also follow astrology, that's another spiritual tool that I've been using. Like there's no more powerful tool for self-knowledge than astrology and for understanding what's going on in the world. So I'm not an astrologer, I'm a student is. So that's such a phenomenal um science to to study. That is a spiritual tool that's um really effective.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I agree with you and also agree with. If you are grounded, especially grounded within your body, you're able to almost receive the downloads from all of this energetic frequencies that are coming onto the planet easier and you're able to integrate it into your body easier. Like you said, you're not experiencing the Ascension symptoms as detrimental as some others, like the flu and you know, just being off. Yeah, it is interesting. I did a gridworking class just the other day and I was like I am zonked from this, Like I need to go outside and walk, Like it was too much, too much energy, but I completely understand that. So one thing I do want to talk about is your book. So your books books putting on an armor of god and you human of new earth offer practical advice on protecting and empower oneself. What motivated you to write these books and what impact do you hope they will have on their readers?

Speaker 2:

well, I had started writing the book I'm just about finishing now, which is called new Human of New Earth, and then, when all that virus bullshit started, I could feel this other book coming in. I could just feel it was a different book. So I started writing that and it was really about what was happening at that time and warning people. You know, this is not what it appears to be and please don't you, you know, poison yourself or your children, um, because it's a uh, it's a psyop, psychological operation that's being used to really fuck with us and disempower us and make us sick and um, controllable and all that sort of thing. So I, that's what inspired that book was really the?

Speaker 1:

um, that event is it to help us, like disconnect from the matrix and really see the truth of what's out there?

Speaker 2:

yeah, we'll first recognize there's a matrix, recognize that we're being, uh, under attack and and all the different ways that we're being bombarded with information, and then all these like geoengineering and fake foods and the FIAT system. There's so many systems and ways that we're being messed with here to keep us distracted from who we really are, what we're here to do and what's really going on in the world. And what's really going on is that we're where there's an, a paradigm shift, there's an, there's a, a upgrade of energies and frequencies, there's higher light codes and apparently that's ever been received before on the planet. But who knows that type of thing? You know right, but anyway, just in recent memory, we're now receiving all this light. And if we're not, we can make ourselves available to that light by being relaxed and open, because we don't have to necessarily be outside to receive it. We can be receiving anywhere, just with our intentions.

Speaker 2:

But all this bullshit on the world stage is going on to distract us from that and to keep us believing that somehow we're supposed to be following along with this program of working and paying taxes and paying mortgages and struggling and surviving.

Speaker 2:

All the focus is away.

Speaker 2:

We're being focused away from what's really important and what our purpose is, because we are here to bring in the new age, and the fact is there are only really, when you think about it, there's only a few people really who are aware of the fact that's what's happening, fewer people who want to do anything about it.

Speaker 2:

There's only a few people really who are aware of the fact that's what's happening, fewer people who want to do anything about it, and so it's really just a small number of us who who are going to be doing the work as it is going to happen. There is going to be a change. It's just up to us as to how this unfolds, because we're the ones that are co-creating reality. We're the ones that are co-creating the future's not written, so it's up to us to make it happen. And so we're the ones that are co-creating reality. We're the ones that are co-creating the future's not written, so it's up to us to make it happen. And so we're the ones that determine how much of you know we go into further into darkness and suffering, or how quickly we go into a more light.

Speaker 2:

Uh field so true love field like lacking a fear-based reality. We're the creators, we're the co-creators, along with all the unseen beings and helpers, and you know that we're the ones it's up to us so overcoming brainwashing, narcissistic abuse and severe trauma was no small feat.

Speaker 1:

What do you think were the some of the most significant challenges you faced during your healing process and how did you overcome them?

Speaker 2:

the first one was overcoming my death wish. Because I had such a strong death wish, especially after my husband died when I was pregnant, I really, you know, I just I didn't want to be here, I just wanted to be with him. And then, when my son died, I just like you know, same thing, just.

Speaker 2:

And then you know, you see all the shit going on in the world. It's's like a really. You know, perhaps I can go now. So I had to, and I'm not saying it's completely gone, I still have that feeling come up. But I had to make a choice to stay and work through that.

Speaker 2:

And then the other one was the judgments of my family. And, you know, being labelled as the black sheep, the crazy one you know should be in the psych ward. You know, being labelled as the black sheep, the crazy one that you know should be in the psych ward. You know, and then realise that, actually to be grateful for my family because they freed me from that cult, they freed me from having to continue to play along with their mindsets, their worldviews. I could just be myself, yeah. And then the other, yeah.

Speaker 2:

The other challenges are I don't know what they're the main ones really just just within myself, wanting to keep, keep going, keep working, because it's sometimes it seems like it's never ending. You know, there's always more, more challenges and they're not necessarily easier. That's one, can you know? People think once you're gonna, so we'll give me rainbows and unicorns. Well, it's not. It's not especially the higher that you, that you uh get. I know it's not supposed to be a linear thing, but you know, the more light that you embody, the more consciousness that you, that you have, then you get tested because it's only going to be those people who are strong vessels for the, the light, the information, the consciousness that are going to be to be able to receive that. So you get tested right.

Speaker 2:

How? How committed are you? How integrous are you? How authentic are you? Are you going to be a good person, a kind person, a generous person? Yeah, you know. A helpful person, an honest person? Yeah, you know, so important.

Speaker 1:

So, you emphasize the importance of living as a sovereign beings with optimal health. What steps can individuals take to reclaim their sovereignty and improve their physical, mental and spiritual health?

Speaker 2:

Firstly, it's to recognize that there are attacks on our sovereignty and there are attempts to keep us as living as slaves, and there are attempts to keep us living as slaves and slaves in a satanic blood cult. Let's go all the way, right. So we actually, and I don't know who's enslaving us. I know they're non-human, sub-human, anti-humans, and they are all out to make sure that we stay unaware of their existence, unaware of their tactics and unaware of their existence, unaware of their tactics and, uh, unaware of who, who we are and the. The beauty of what's happening now, with the light that's that's coming onto the planet, is that all that is has been hidden in the shadows is being exposed. You know that there's corruption is being exposed, like in real time now, like we've just saw, um, that you know the covid event. You know now that's being exposed as as to what it really was and the consequences, what they really are. And then we've got corruption in politics and, uh, there's corruption in, uh, law enforcement and holly, you know it's all the Everywhere it's being exposed.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's because of the light frequency is continuing to increase and so everything that is of a lower vibration, that's based in fear and control, that can't exist when there's a high frequency of light. It just can't. It can't, there's nothing that feeds it anymore. So it's all these systems of control, finance, education, politics, you know, religions, all these systems of control they won't be able to be sustained Wow.

Speaker 1:

What do you think will happen when these things start really falling down? Is that when we shift into this new age, or do you think we're going to go into like this mass chaos?

Speaker 2:

Well, that's what I said before. It's up to us what happens.

Speaker 1:

So it's really up to us.

Speaker 2:

We can choose. So it's who is going to choose to participate, continue to participate in systems of enslavement, because we're holding those systems up. We're holding them up by voting. Voting gives permission to be ruled and also it supports the notion of authority. There's some organisation, some group of people, whatever, that has authority over us. But that's not true. That's not based in reality. No one has authority over us. We are our own authority, right. So the way would be to withdraw as much as possible from systems of enslavement with, and then then, uh, work towards establishing or or building some alternative communities.

Speaker 2:

Right, right, that makes perfect sense that are decentralized, that you know grow your own food. You know have your own currency, just whatever you can do to withdraw support. That's energy money. Time, you know, withdraw support so that that then weak money. Time, you know withdraw support so that that then weakens the systems and they collapse. And then that's a great question, Like who knows what's going to happen, whether we're going to go into mass chaos and you know it could turn into hell. I don't know, it could. Also, I'm open to divine intervention. Yeah, Pray for divine intervention. And you know, know, maybe we'll be spared the suffering that that could come when these systems start to collapse and and people lose their um, what has been their frame of reference?

Speaker 2:

right, because that's, as you know, once you um, once you lose your frame of reference, it becomes a very destabilizing time until you're actually able to figure out oh fuck, what's you know what's really going on here, what's real right, exactly what's real, and we're entering into this, what's being described as a hyper uh reality, where there's it's almost impossible to distinguish between what's what's real and what's not, and the fact that most children are now living their lives through screens, right. What is the future going to bring, when we've got probably two generations of people who relate more to virtual?

Speaker 2:

worlds and screens technologies than they do to the natural world or to other human beings, that's I don't. I don't know what that doesn't. That doesn't look good to me, but I am optimistic about the end result. I just don't know how we're going to get there. Like I said, it's up to us. But we will move out of this um, this enslavement, and into into sovereignty, into a new earth.

Speaker 1:

I would agree with you. Before I ask you the last question what is the best place for somebody to find out more about you, or maybe buy one of your books? What's the best place for them to go to?

Speaker 2:

The best place is my website, which is feelingbetternaturallylove. I love that, I like that website, I love that. And the other place is my YouTube channel, which is called feelingbetternaturally, where I sometimes get on. I haven't done a rant for a while but, uh, I do offer, uh, images from the natural world. Awesome, I go, I spend a lot of time underwater and just because even appreciating images from nature and sounds from nature, without necessarily being there, can have benefit absolutely like if you put.

Speaker 2:

if you can't get in nature, bring plants indoors, listen to sounds from nature, have the birds playing or the crickets chirping, have natural objects around, wear natural objects, eat living, grow your own sprouts on your windowsill, and there's a lot of ways to connect with nature without going out into nature itself. So I have videos about that. And then I have a sub stack which is Feeling Better Naturally where I put some of my writing but most of the writing I have on the website and then my book's available. I'll just show it now.

Speaker 1:

Oh, look at that, I love it Look at that.

Speaker 2:

It's available on Amazon Putting on the Armour of God, but the best thing would be to wait until my next book, new Human, new Earth, is published published, which is going to be, uh, in november and that that will be a very, um, valuable book to remember how to be human.

Speaker 1:

that's really what it is a remembrance of how to be human the good thing is is that when this episode airs, it will be past november, so definitely make sure to check out her second book, so which will be amazing. So for our final question given your extensive experience and profound journey, what practical advice can you offer our audience for identifying and healing from fear-based mind control and embracing a life of sovereignty and optimal wellbeing?

Speaker 2:

First step for me was to establish self-love, and I knew that once I got out of the cult and I learned about narcissistic personality disorders. I also learned about what that meant. He was a narcissist, but that meant I was codependent. What did that mean? That meant I look for love outside myself, and I actually found myself in other relationships with narcissists. So I thought that's it. I have to establish self-love or I'm going to continue to repeat this yeah, pattern. So I worked on, I did affirmations, I did self-care, I you know just uh, use a mirror, work, you're like different types of tools to mostly was telling myself I love myself.

Speaker 2:

I still do that sometimes. And then the other part was spending time in nature and really receiving from the natural world.

Speaker 1:

Yeah yeah, that is beautiful advice. Well, isabella, I want to thank you so much for coming on Spiritual Spotlight Series. It's been really amazing to talk with you today. Thank you so much.

Speaker 2:

You're welcome, rachel. We covered a lot in a short amount of time, so I'm really grateful for all you're doing to make the world a better place, to ensure the freedom and future of humanity and to give people an opportunity to share more information that can help people, because a a lot, like I said before we start, a lot of people are suffering and and there are a lot of tools, techniques and medicines that are freely available so for people to use that will make a difference I totally agree, thank you.

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Rachel Garrett, RN, CCH