Spiritual Spotlight Series
Discover a world of healing, holistic, and spiritual modalities with the Spiritual Spotlight Series podcast. Every week, we introduce you to diverse spiritual practitioners, including psychics, energy healers, life coaches, spiritual thought leaders, and witches. Each episode offers inspiration and enlightenment through the unique journeys, experiences, and divine abilities of our guests. Perfect for those on a path to spiritual awakening, this podcast blends science and mysticism to expand your understanding of spirituality. Our mission is to open your eyes to the world around you, making complex concepts accessible and enlightening for anyone seeking spiritual growth. Whether you're new to spirituality or looking to deepen your knowledge, the Spiritual Spotlight Series is your go-to resource for awakening and transformation.
Spiritual Spotlight Series
Spiritual Mediumship Unlocked: James Van Praagh Reveals His Journey
Discover the enlightening world of mediumship with renowned psychic and medium, James Van Praagh. In this captivating episode, we explore James' personal journey from childhood encounters with spirits to becoming a celebrated teacher and television personality. He generously shares key insights into the spiritual realm, offering practical advice on how to raise your vibration and maintain healthy spiritual practices to avoid burnout.
James delves into the transformative power of mediumship, highlighting the significance of spiritual hygiene for practitioners. He emphasizes that by tuning into one's true self while establishing boundaries, individuals can effectively connect with the spirit world without diminishing their physical and emotional vigor. Furthermore, he introduces listeners to practical techniques that anyone can implement to enhance their spiritual awareness, including deep breathing exercises, visualization, and connecting with joy.
As the conversation unfolds, James invites you to his upcoming retreat in Maui — a soul-searching experience designed to help participants dive deeper into their mediumship abilities. This retreat combines body, mind, and spirit healing, opening pathways for personal growth and community connection.
Whether you're seeking to explore your own mediumship potential or simply interested in the teachings of a seasoned practitioner, this episode is rich with insights and guidance. Tune in and take the leap towards understanding the intricate weave of your spirit connections.
Don't forget to check out James' website for more educational resources and to stay connected!
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Hello everyone, welcome to Spiritual Spotlight Series. Today I am joined by James Van Praagh. He is an amazing medium and psychic with illustrious career in TV, as well as being a world-renowned teacher and speaker. He has made it his mission to help others alter inner talents and mediumship skills. So he has a new course coming up and he has a retreat coming up that we're going to talk about today. James, thank you so much for coming on the Spiritual Spotlight Series. I'm so happy you're here.
Speaker 2:Thank you for having me. It's a pleasure to meet you and be in your space. How's that?
Speaker 1:I love it. I have to tell you, james, you are on my vision board, so this is a dream come true for me, really. Wow 100%, without a doubt, you are.
Speaker 2:I've never heard that before.
Speaker 1:I'm going to cry. You're welcome. I will say that in the beginning of my like kind of spiritual career and whatnot, you were one of the people that I looked up to and I was like, oh, that man is legit 100%. You're on my vision board. I can check that off.
Speaker 2:Well, thank you. I was the only one of the only ones out there doing this work you were one hundred percent like this. That was the first one out there before John Edward, before Sylvia Brown.
Speaker 1:Yes, yes, you were on television.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah.
Speaker 1:You were amazing.
Speaker 2:So thank you.
Speaker 1:You've had an incredible journey as a medium and a psychic. And incredible journey as a medium and a psychic, and I'm not sure if you want to talk about this, but can you maybe I'll talk about anything you want, honey. Don't worry, it's your show, let's talk about.
Speaker 2:I just had George Michael pop in my head.
Speaker 1:Can you talk about maybe the moment, or maybe the moments, that you realized that you had this gift?
Speaker 2:Sure, for me it was a very natural, which it is. It's really very natural. Mediatorship is actually very natural and it's, you know, days gone by, centuries gone by, you know this was part of the everyday life for people. They'd be aware of the other worlds and, you know, once religion got involved, it changed a little bit. But for me, as a child, I was literally writing my autobiography right now. So I'm in this chapter one which I'm literally writing my autobiography right now. So I'm in this chapter one which I'm talking about this. So that's perfect timing.
Speaker 2:And I was like probably two years old and my parents were in the living room, part of the house, and my father's, carrying me on his shoulder, bring me into the bedroom, the kid's room, the baby room, and put me in the crib. So I was like probably close to two, I think, and I remember I would be really upset and pissed off, and the reason why was because I want to be with the adults and I'm a night owl, I'm not a morning person, and so I was crying and crying and every single night I'd see a man in the corner of the room with white hair and blue eyes and he'd walk over to me and play with this kind of mobile type of instrument and it would fascinate me and I'd fall asleep, happened night after night after night and then eventually, probably when I was seven years old, my grandmother showed me a photograph album and I said wait, who's that man in that photograph? And she said, oh, that's your grandfather. He died before you were born. I said I know him and he's been with me ever since and I used to see spirit all the time as a child. When you're kids, you play outside. Let's build a fort. Well, I'd see spirits around my friends building a fort. I was, and I thought everybody could see them. I, I would see colors around people and the aura. I would just know this and I know. But I thought everybody could, because as a kid, you look at the world around, you measure your experiences. That that's the way it is. So I thought everybody was able to do that, not just me.
Speaker 2:And the funny thing was was, um, a funny thing was, as I look back, I was always kind of I want to say abused as a child, but like, made fun of or something like that. It was just because of my size. But it really interesting. Even a seminary I went to the first night, they put a mop in my bed. I'm like what? So it was always a sense of teasing. And years later I went to a healer and he said to me you know, james, you came back in this life as short in stature, which I am, and he said, because you have so much power and light that people get intimidated by it. So I think, as a kid, kids are very open to anything in some way. That was, I think that's my hypothesis. But so, yeah, my child was always like that.
Speaker 2:My mother was very she was Irish Catholic very, very psychic. I used to do prayers every night before I go to bed, you know, by the side of the bed, and I'd say, mommy, who are those angels at the end of the bed? She goes oh them, those are God's angels. Yeah, those are the lights around, those are God's angels. They'll always protect you, they'll always take care of you. And she said I used to see them too as a little girl. They'll always take care. Oficism, and I'm sure you've dealt a lot with this, you know many, many years ago in psychics, devil work and this and that.
Speaker 1:So how did you build the confidence to share your abilities with the world?
Speaker 2:Well, I kind of had a sense of who I am and I think it's a secret for everybody, every soul is. If you have that sense of who you are, that's your way in and it's true, it's who you are. And be who you are, not everybody else, because nobody else is taken Be yourself. And I think if one has that strong sense of themselves, that who they are. And it was funny because when people would say to me, you know, this doesn't exist, it's cold reading I was like I looked that up, like what does that mean? I had no idea what that even means and the skepticism part of it wasn't part of my belief system. It was like I don't understand what that means Because I know I can see this, I know I can hear these things. So they don't understand that. I get the references Because you know, he said the amazing Randy had a skeptic side, he was a magician.
Speaker 2:I was like, well, and I think it's okay to be skeptical per se, but because skeptics have an open mind, at least to something changing, cynicism is different. Cynicism they've already made up their mind. So cynicism is worse than skeptical. And I'm pretty skeptical about things as well, because for me you have to, you know, be aware of it and look at it. But I wouldn't just come over and say, oh, it doesn't exist. But I had to fight that. I took a lot of blows, I guess you could say, from when I first started, because really no one was doing this and I put myself out there and I had to it was almost I had to and I got the TV shows. It's so weird, it all worked because I was doing these readings and it was just I didn't want to do this, I wanted to be a sitcom writer. Hello, I'm funny, I thought I'd do a sitcom.
Speaker 2:So I moved to LA to be a sitcom writer and it was through a series of weird events. A friend of mine said do you want to go see a medium? I said what's a medium? He said someone talks to dead people. I said, oh, I don't know if I believe in that. And I walked into his office, his house, and then in two years time, spirit people are going to use you. They want to use you to help change the consciousness of the planet. And look at this guy oh, I just moved from New York and I'm in California, atlanta, fruit nuts. I'm like, oh, I would pay dirt right here. But he went on and said something very interesting. He gave me great detailed messages about when they passed over. So there's something he said you know, in two years time the spirit people are going to use you. I'm like okay. But he went on and said some great things about loved ones and it got me fascinated about life after that.
Speaker 2:So I started meditating. I went to a bookstore and meditation books and it just felt second nature to me, this mindset. So I started meditating and then went through a series of temporary jobs and then one day I was working in Paramount Studios in their syndication department, preparing contracts. And I'm walking in after lunch at my cubicle and my coworker walks next to me in her cubicle and as she's walking I see a dead lady standing behind her, a dead woman, and the dead woman looks like that and it was like the sixth sense and she immediately started transmitting thoughts to me. She said that and it was like the sixth sense was like, and she immediately started transmitting thoughts to me. She said I'm her grandmother, I lived in idaho, we did a foot, we made a footstool cover together. I was a yellow house, white shutters, and he was please tell her and I'm like okay. So I asked my co-worker was kind of cool, because you wrote astrology and that's just kind of open and she goes.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, that was my grandmama and, uh, we had a pact that when she passed over she'd come back and let me know she was okay. So I freaked out, ran out of karma never go back again ran to my apartment and I'm pacing back and forth in my apartment and I'm thinking what's going to happen now. I'm crazy. People think I'm crazy Cause in that time, you know, no one really did this. It was like early, very early nineties. No one did it.
Speaker 2:So I called that man the medium, because I knew who else to call, and I said this is what happened to me and he goes. Well, james, do you not remember the Spirit's prediction? And I said, yeah, he said James. They said two years and today is exactly two years.
Speaker 2:So after that he took me under his tutelage and I sat with him seven years in a development circle in the quiet, didn't give one message message, just sat there bringing my power up and becoming aware of exactly what the connection was with the spirit world, how to work with them. And that was when it all started. And then, when I started readings after seven years, it was just word of mouth and I did two a day and I got busy weeks ahead, months ahead and like six months, and then, um, unsolved mysteries came to my house and then there was a show called the other side nbc as a pilot and did that and then then I did a lot of things that larry king started, did that 10 times and did my own show and then the ghost whisper yeah, lots of, lots of stuff I love it, I love it so much and it reaches all people.
Speaker 1:You know it reaches everybody and opens up it does and their hearts and it could just be like one episode on unsolved mysteries that opens up that that little blocked box inside of your heart exactly right, and it's just a little thing or a way someone phrases something yeah or just an insight like oh, wait a minute.
Speaker 2:So yeah, you never know how you're going to touch people's lives, but what you say and what you do, I love that.
Speaker 1:So do you happen to have any spiritual practices that help you to stay connected to the spiritual realm and maybe maintain your energy? Because I'm not sure if you have experienced this, but I know a lot of healers and mediums and psychics that have burned out by their craft because maybe they don't have like the best spiritual hygiene practices in place.
Speaker 2:You're so funny.
Speaker 1:You're like.
Speaker 2:I'm going back to my 40 years and if I ever heard somebody say medium, then he was like I would never exist in those days Cause it didn't happen. I was like, wow, it's everywhere. It's everywhere Right, which is great, because that was a different mindset and there are more people into it. It's not a weird thing, it's natural, which it should be. So, sweetheart, what I did in the very beginning and this is from my teacher, you know, the development of my mediumship is really opening up that sense, our senses, and we have to do it for not only for physical but an emotional selves, our mental selves, our spiritual selves, because they're all integrated, you see, and with mediummanship and healing and psychic work you have, you have to realize, and again, it comes with the development, and I can tell you right now, there are a lot of people out there doing this work without having any awareness about how it's affecting their physical being.
Speaker 2:So, um, when we work, as in this type of work, as sensitives at empaths, we're working on the adrenals, and the adrenals are really our psychic tool. That's who get us, are going. It's like the fuel tank and if you overuse the adrenals, you're going to empty that tank and you have nothing left and it's going to affect you.
Speaker 2:So it's almost like a ceiling fan that keeps on running and if it keeps on running that you'll burn out the motor and then it'll be nothing. And I've met many people who've done this work or attempted it in the wrong way and don't understand anything about their adrenal system, the endocrine system, and they burn out, they get cancer, they get diseases, and then you know, it's so interesting because mentally things get affected, emotional things get affected. So again, we've got to honor all those parts of ourselves. So I would be very aware of when I work I open myself up. So I would be very aware of when I work I open myself up, I bring myself to a position of opening myself, my awareness, my mindset and, in different ways, whether it's I envision a stage and there's a curtain, and the curtain opens and the show begins, and then spirit walks on stage or different techniques in the course, and those things really work to get you to behave that way in your mind and close down. When you're done, you're closed. You shouldn't be open at all.
Speaker 2:So you know, teresa Caputo, she had a show, long Island Medium. Yeah, wow, this is really bad because and it's not. You know, I don't blame her because she doesn't know, it's just she doesn't realize it. But she's like walking into butcher shops and seeing someone in a car and she taps them.
Speaker 1:Sorry, it's unhealthy. My personal opinion it's unhealthy.
Speaker 2:And I met her once. She's a nice lady, but it's teaching the public the wrong way of doing this and you gotta be responsible, because it's taxing on the physical body, the emotional body, the mental body, the spiritual body. It's depleting and we have to be responsible enough to know when to turn off, when to turn on.
Speaker 1:Yeah, like it brings me back to the book the Body enough to know when to turn off, when to turn on. Yeah, like it brings me back to the book the body keeps the score and, like your body, everything is embedded into your cellular tissue and then, like you, brought up the adrenals and then the endocrine system, like your, hormones are your master energy force. And if you're not right, and if you're not able to keep them in balance, you're like. I love that analogy of the ceiling fan and burning.
Speaker 2:Isn't that a good one? It's a really good one, very good. So true, that's true with everyday life. It is around negative people. Yes, how you want to be a negative people because they're draining you emotionally, they're draining you mentally. So we've got to look at our whole life and see what part of us is not in balance. Absolutely. We've got to draw boundaries, you know, really healthy boundaries in our lives.
Speaker 1:And being okay with saying no.
Speaker 2:Being okay with saying no. No is a good word. No is a complete sentence. It's a great sentence. It is, it's true, and you know what. Someone else's problems are not your problem. Like I have a friend who's? Oh, like I have a friend who's?
Speaker 1:Oh, that's a really good point too. Is this mine or is it someone else's? And am I responsible for this, or am I not?
Speaker 2:So part of what I teach is also discernment between your energy and someone else's. So we think that we're all radios right. The programs are receiving and giving out all the time. Sometimes people who aren't aware will take this energy and they feel depressed, or they feel something's going on Something, this energy and they feel depressed, or they feel something's going on, something's wrong and it's like, well, not necessarily your energy, you're running someone else's energy you are this discernment is really important to know who you are, what's yours what's not yours.
Speaker 1:So 100%, yeah, I love that. That's that's such valuable advice. That's something that I'd like to bring up in a lot of my interviews is discernment, and who you're going to as like a healer or a psychic medium, and where your education and where you're going the teaching because it's it is it somebody who hasn't? You've. You've spent years developing your craft and your skill and now teach others these amazing skills and abilities, but some people now they don't.
Speaker 2:They don't do that and it's very different and you know what's also what I, what I find in my in teaching. Well, this is done. When I do a physical teaching with people. I'll say how many people here want to be a medium or it's like you know, just like it work, and say where is it? And I say what is the reason behind it? Do you want to be famous or something? I want fame. So I want a tv show, right, got it and just take it in and say you know what you're doing for the wrong reasons.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Intention is wrong. It's about service of humankind. That's the only reason there's no room for ego. When you do this type of work, you really use your ego, because you get involved in the ego. You shut off. You shut off.
Speaker 1:It's. It's interesting and I'm sure you've seen this many, many years in the field and this is really off topic, but I've seen it within, like the field that I'm in as well, and I'm like, oh you're, you're now attacked by your ego and it's like they start to build like delivering these, like toxic energies, and you're like, oh God.
Speaker 2:And their own stuff is coming out there.
Speaker 1:Yes, they're, they're yes, they're.
Speaker 2:They're puking their own stuff at other people and you know, EGO is EGO, edging God out.
Speaker 1:That's a good one.
Speaker 2:That's true when we think you know why God is everything, inspiration or whatever that creative force. But when you try to control it and get your person and people's insecurities come out with ego, it's all about their insecurities. It's all about them releasing those insecurities to others.
Speaker 1:That's not right so with with your course, next level mediumship, it's advanced techniques for connecting with the spirit world, for soul infusion readings I want, before we delve into the course. I do want to ask you one more question, yeah maybe um, with over 40 years in the field, how has your understanding of the afterlife evolved? Have spirits ever surprised you with something that you may not have expected?
Speaker 2:Well, my brother just passed over three weeks ago, so there, no, don't be sorry, be happy.
Speaker 1:Oh yeah, death is just a doorway. Hello, who am I talking to?
Speaker 2:Excuse me Right, Hello. So people at a funeral would come up and be like I'm so sorry.
Speaker 1:And I'd be like Dad. It was really right here.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and this is very interesting which I want to share with you and everybody, which I learned my sister passed away two years beforehand, which is I don't know. Death is our thing, but she used to come to me before she died physically and her soul would come to me when she was still in her coma. And she would come to me and when she was still in her coma and she would come to me and say I'm a sister, rosalie, like who's this rosalie? And my other sister said, oh, that was her counselor at age 14 at the camp. I'm like, oh, and my brother, who was ill and he wasn't as a coma, but he, he knew of my work, of course, and he, we used to have this agreement that whoever goes first, you're going to help the other person over, if you could, because when we stuck with that, you know yes, people do get stuck, yeah right.
Speaker 2:So we made that. We made that agreement. Unfortunately, I'm in california, he was in new york, so my health proxy thing didn't work in new york. But he used to come to me in my bedroom and say to me james, get me out of there, cut the cords, cut the cords. I gotta get it. I can't be there anymore because he was on a feeding tube oh and my brother would not be like that.
Speaker 2:He was very sad. It's very go, go, go. So I said, michael, I'm trying, I'm trying. You know we can all do so much, yeah. And so the funny thing is, you'll appreciate your sense of humor. His wife, his ex-wife we did not like went to New York to visit him at the end of his life.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Now, I didn't know this. The day after he passed over he came to me. He's like what? He's such a New Yorker. What are you doing? My ex-wife is there. She's the one that kicked me over to the side. I saw her face and said I'm out of here. I'm out of here.
Speaker 1:She forced him out.
Speaker 2:It was so funny. But that taught me about, you know, that the soul is out of the body. Before physical, physical death they can, which makes sense. We live our bodies all the time and that was a great one.
Speaker 2:He came to me three days ago, uh, and I was getting massaged and it was just like it's so relaxed and, yeah, mediumship is surrendering and I was just surrendered and in that stillness of my being and I wasn't trying it or anything, I was just lying there and he came to me and my family gave me and friends, but, but the years came to me and there was this whole celebration around me, all this light, this divine light, and everybody's so happy and joyful and just really, and I'm thinking, am I going there now? Because it felt so connected and interconnected with them. That was an interesting experience. I hadn't had that before, so that was really new. When you allow yourself and you surrender to the worlds around us, there are worlds within worlds in the world. Yes, no, and we open up that. The essence of all of that and the knowledge that that has, wow, it's pretty amazing. It's pretty incredible and it's pretty humbling yeah, absolutely, absolutely.
Speaker 1:It must make you feel like sometimes, how we're part of a cog in a wheel, like we're all part of this and we're like one small aspect of it like so true like one. Small but and just as important, but it's.
Speaker 2:We're part of a bigger ecosystem yeah, but the human being thinks so much of the human being it's like it's just part of you know, it's millions of galaxies. You know hello, and I often say you know, human beings get caught up in the complexity of the simplicity. It's really simple, but we want the human mind so with your new course.
Speaker 1:It's designed to help people unlock their own mediumship abilities. What inspired you to create this program?
Speaker 2:I don't know know.
Speaker 1:Okay, fine, next question. Next question.
Speaker 2:I love your energy. You're so seriously as a question Like we can just talk, so here we go, let's have coffee talk.
Speaker 2:So, really, what it's about in this course and advanced techniques, I'm going to say cause you the question you asked me, which is such a great one in that you know people would be mediums out there. They're putting the word out there I'm a medium, but it shingles up. Well, you have to with responsibility. You've got it with integrity. So I'm going to tell you, because I've had years now of teaching, I have my own school online, the JVP school, mystical arts. I do that. But I've noticed this it's really interesting with students or mediums. Oh, students or mediums. Oh, you know I'm a medium as well. Are you really or are you just putting that out there? So this course gives different perspectives on things one would never expect. Because I have them work, I have them really.
Speaker 2:Do some soul searching, because what good are they teaching others? They don't know who they are, right. So in the course they bring a lot of techniques and excellent and discovering your own soul and the right way to reach out, to be mindful of spirit around you, surrendering the correct way. And again, you do that the right way. You get the ego steps aside and your soul comes out. So it's really about. I have techniques and exercise, but getting in touch with your soul self and being that messenger, being that instrument which we are. We're an instrument of that, that light of that soul, interesting energy, and really I kick some ass in that. What do I want?
Speaker 2:to say Because in that I push people to be and a lot of people say to me wow, you know, you're teaching. I never expected this and it's changed my life because I bring them down to the basics. It's like get out of your head and you've got to feel. I'm going to start feeling from your heart, get your head and mediumship. A lot of people don't do that. I teach from your heart, head to heart, head to heart.
Speaker 2:Stop rationalizing, because you know you can cut the brain off, it doesn't need it, but your mind will be forever and it's your heart. The soul is tucked neatly behind the heart and this is what you want to amplify. So in the course I amplify exercise, but connecting with that heart self in ways I don't think people have been around it before. If I could say that, because I would say something which I I've never said, but I'm going to, okay, because I don't, I don't want to go, but I will say this um, because I'm old and I deserve it. Um, you know, just become a cause. Someone calls themselves a medium. Yeah, doesn't mean that they're spiritual. So, amen, right, so you could be medium and crazy doesn't mean you have the knowledge, right, and or the wisdom and um. I see a lot of mediums out there in public and people have thought and they're very good technicians. Right, they're very good technicians, but they don't have the spiritual part to back it up around and I'm not judging it, I'm just saying it's very different.
Speaker 2:In my work I I have to go with that essence of, uh, spirituality, that that I know that I'm an ambassador of that world, of that life, and I'm here to teach others. But be the ambassadors, the vessels that you are, and get rid of the ego, get rid of that stuff and really bring in an awareness that we're all connected and that really here for each other. It's not about everything you get right it's. It's really. It's a sense, and I can't teach, I mean I can't everybody's different, right, so but I think for me part of my teaching is to bring through also that sense of spirituality I think it's very important.
Speaker 2:I think it's lacking in a lot of realms right yeah, absolutely, and it gets me upset but it is, and it's just that's why I teach, because people are unaware of certain things and I live by the golden rule and you know I teach that with all my mediumship, um, every, your thoughts are real, your thoughts have power, your words have power, the situations. One of the things I talked about in the course which is great because in everyday life, when you've lived your life, you've gone through everything, and I think a successful life is when you look back at your life and you look back and say, wow, the world's a better place, having been here, that's a successful life For everybody, that's a successful life. You can measure your life by looking back and saying, wow, the world's a better place than I came, got it or I changed lives in my own little way. You know, it doesn't have to be a medium. There are all different ways.
Speaker 2:Obviously, absolutely, but it's so true how we touch hearts, how we you know, even our day-to-day contact with people, whether it's at the supermarket, the gas station, target, whatever it might be. If you can say something positive, you can validate someone, if you acknowledge their existence, that they are a beautiful soul. They're a soul Saying oh, I like your dress, oh, I love your eyes and I've done this. I mean, I swear to God, I'm going to start with. I love your green apron and it opens up that humor.
Speaker 1:It does. It raises up your vibration. Yes, and that's one of your core lessons is to raise up your energetic vibration and it sounds like a lot of your teaching is very heart space centered and love for vibrations.
Speaker 2:Very, very much, sweetheart. You got it, yeah, it feels that definitely.
Speaker 1:Can you maybe share maybe one simple technique for someone to maybe raise up their vibration?
Speaker 2:Sure sure, I could, if you'd like me to Sure.
Speaker 2:I would Okay, so everyone can close their eyes. You don't have to do this, but close your eyes. And in that mindset, let me do a couple of breathings. So, if you're aware that you are a physical being and that you are, this is just a small part of who you are, that 70% of your soul is outside the body, above you, and when 30% is here, and I would just like you to take a deep breath and as you're breathing through the nose, you're bringing out beautiful light, divine light, life force, and bring that beautiful light to every area of your body, every cell, every muscle, every fiber of your being. Just having that thought will make it so.
Speaker 2:And as we exhale, we're going to exhale out of our nose and release any old, stagnant energy attached to our muscles, our tissues, that we don't need anymore, whether it's other people's energy, other mindsets, things that don't belong to us. We're going to release them and let them go, and the exhalation out of the mouth, which will fall down to Mother Earth, that energy and she'll be able to fertilize that, fertilize the earth. So we're going to breathe this beautiful golden light and inhale, turning every cell, every fiber, all the way down to your toes and then, beyond Mother Earth and exhale, release, and just let it go, let it go, let it go and let it go and again, and inhale beautiful and exhale, and let it go, good, let it go, let it go. And then one more time, inhale the beautiful divine light and exhale, and let it go, let it go, let it go Good. And as you're sitting in this space now with this awareness, just imagine that you now are that spiritual person, that you, as a soul being, you can actually place your feet on the top of your physical shoulders and your spirit, your soul, is above you and just raise up your hands in that soul self and receive the sense of everything. You are part of all of it, you're part of the awareness and you are part of that great love. And just let that love, that feeling of love, just slowly fall down like stardust into your mind, every fragment, and become aware of all those loved ones in the spirit world, or your guides or teachers, of all the love you've given, just little sparklets of love, just droplets of love that they share with you now.
Speaker 2:Okay, and just now, for just this time, look at the word joy, joy, and I want you to feel the word joy, what that means to you in your heart, and become aware in your memory of one time in your life where you brought joy to one person, an unconditional sense of joy, and they smiled, maybe changed their life, maybe it started to put them in a whole different direction about themselves. Just one moment in your life where you brought joy to another person and, as you become aware of that situation, feel the energy that that joy brought them and feel the frequency that that was sent, that vibration and that is a part of you, and allow yourself to feel that and remind yourself that you are. That high frequency, that high vibration, just that word, just that thought brings you to new space awareness and divine heavenly parent, we ask your blessing upon each one and thank you for reminding us who we truly are and we bless you and bless everyone in our space and then slowly open up your eyes and be as one.
Speaker 1:Thank you, that was beautiful, that was a little bit longer than I thought. But that's okay. I felt like I was being wrapped in a warm fuzzy like hug. Yeah, you know. And then, of course, whenever like you brought in joy, I went joy, joy, joy down in my heart.
Speaker 2:Down in my heart. There's another group of which I'm just I'm writing about right now which, yeah, actually, someone gave me a while back, very spirited. So if we look at, how can we do this? So maybe there's a person in your life I'm just putting this out there that you don't feel good about. You know, maybe you're angry with someone or you can't forgive somebody.
Speaker 2:There's a little bit of judgment. So when you close your eyes, just imagine that you close your eyes and you're walking into a forest right this big forest and underneath the tree of the forest there's a bundle with a blanket there right and you pick up the blanket and then uncover the the blanket from the face and it's a baby of the person that you have problems with. How would you tend to that?
Speaker 1:can you be mean to that baby?
Speaker 2:right. So it's really looking at someone from that pureness of who they really are, not who you think they are, but who they really are.
Speaker 1:Not who you think they are, but who they really are.
Speaker 2:Oh, I love that, thank you, you could use it yeah.
Speaker 1:I will be. I'm like hmm.
Speaker 2:The baby.
Speaker 1:I just my mind went my mind went like to my, my, my, my sense of humor, Baby.
Speaker 2:I'm saying the baby.
Speaker 1:The baby. So the course covers blending with spirit. What does that feel like, maybe, and how can students tell when they're truly connected?
Speaker 2:Oh, that's a great one. So I do a couple of exercises, and one of the ones is that you're opening to your space around you and I'm saying this very quickly, so the course is run out.
Speaker 1:Of course. I think it's seven months. It's a course, guys.
Speaker 2:So the way I do it which is really great, and I learned this from great friends in England, actually in their mediumship, the blending courses you know everyone is connected. So there's no reason why we can't feel spirit all the time. We are souls in this physical body, in this meat suit. There are souls outside the meat suit. There's no reason why we can't feel them come close to us. So it's just in our mind. We're going to open up that meat suit. If you will, and in your mind you can do that. So you bring yourself to a surrendering space and you become aware of the space all around you, the energy in front of you, behind you, both sides of you, and you really you invite them. You invite them Once you become aware of that space behind you. Let's say, invite the spirit, people in. And one of the things I say in the course is I asked someone to come in who I knew in a lifetime to come. I'm gonna share this space with you and I'm gonna come behind the person and have the spirit touch my shoulders. Please place your hands upon my shoulders and two become one. And now I go stronger. In this I say please, come stronger, and now we are thinking as one. Please imagine that you are sitting right through me, you're on my, in my lap and really I am pushing myself to the side and I give you one more chance to experience the physical world. So I'm allowing you to come in and just let yourself, just go off to the side, there in your mind I talk about in the course, and then you can see I say to them something like uh, you know, we think as one, every thought I have is your thought, every vision I have is now your vision, the words of my mouth are your words and what I feel is what you feel. So, for one last time, let me become you, you become me, and you sit there, and this is where they sit there for a while and the spirit comes in so close, and so it's almost like a transfer and and the spirit will start saying things to you and speaking things, and it's just your, you become them, and then they have a time where they come back and you, you know, you say thank you and let them be. So I saw this exercise back many, many years ago and a friend of mine was a medium and taught me it and he said the exact same thing, walking through it and you just open up to who, someone you know in your life, that we knew who needs to come through. And when I had come through I didn't expect my fingers shrunk. I had red nails and I brown hair and was shorter and I was wearing a blue dress and I realized, oh my god, I'm my mom. I became a mother now.
Speaker 2:My mother was an alcoholic and she drank her whole life. Who's that? I never knew why she drank and my whole thing was why did she have to drink? Never knew it Until this exercise. It took this exercise for her to come to me and she said and I didn't try anything, I'm just surrendering. You know, james, the reason I drank was I was not met emotionally by your dad, so I escaped your dad. So I escaped and I was like so it opened up a whole new sense of relationship, a perspective which I never had before. So it's a trippy exercise, it's a real good one and it helps you learn how to surrender and surrender to spirit. So it really helps in your foundation of your mediumship yeah I love that, so I really do I really do?
Speaker 1:I will say that I did a trans mediumship exercise before blending with spirit and I remember a gentleman came and it was touched a little bit different, like was sitting on my lap, and then all of a sudden I was like drinking a coffee and smoking a cigar and I'm like this is the best thing ever that's really important to use.
Speaker 2:So in part of that and of course I talk about this as well so it's a certain gesture. So, let's say, smoking a cigar, you use that cigar, that gesture and more of that person.
Speaker 1:It's like yeah, it was very like fascinating to me because I felt in control but still connected exactly 100.
Speaker 2:You got 100. You're talking people like, oh, I don't want to be possessed, like, no, that's not what it's about. It's like you're still aware, you're still in control, but you're allowing that shape, that space.
Speaker 1:That's all it is absolutely yeah so, in your experience, what maybe is one of the most transformative moment? I'm speaking, I'm like, oh, I can't speak. What's the most transformative moment that spirits typically have during this course?
Speaker 2:spirits typically have during this course? Everything. What a lovely question. Well, I'm talking about the students have, the students have. So I'm not necessarily spirit because we can help them. You know, this is very important to realize that just because someone's passed through the world of spirit doesn't mean they have all the answers, doesn't mean they do things automatically. They don't. So many times they're learning from us down here. We're their teachers, we're their greatest teachers, so that it goes both ways. So to me, in my teaching, what I have noticed which I think is most transformative was I'm gonna cry, I'm gonna say this oh I'm sorry, yeah, it's happening.
Speaker 1:Am I sorry?
Speaker 2:no, come on. To me it's validation when I get teary, because the one of the greatest things that have happened in my teaching it happens every course I teach is that there's a sense of the student. That they end they say you know what I've got to tell you? It's not talking to dead people, it's not in the medium. I have a new sense of my soul, who I am. I'm so much more powerful than I thought. I'm able to do the mediumship easily. I'm able to do the mediumship easily. I'm able to discern much easier. I'm able to love myself more. So a lot of these people have started to have relationships with their soul self and they will not let people walk on them anymore. They actually empower themselves. Maybe the power they left years ago, you know, gave it away to their parents or teachers, whatever, they finally get their power back and that empowerment of their soul self and it starts their whole life all over again. It's almost like brand new life.
Speaker 1:that, to me, has been the most transformative in my courses I have to say in in hearing you speak about your course like to me, being a psychic in a medium, it's not necessarily something I'm attracted to, but the connection back.
Speaker 2:can I share with you something? I'm sorry to interrupt, but it's a term which bothers me Psychic medium.
Speaker 1:Well, being connected to a different realm.
Speaker 2:Every medium is psychic, not every psychic is a medium 100% and there's a big distinction there.
Speaker 1:You're 100%.
Speaker 2:People call themselves a medium and they go I'm a psychic medium. I'm like no, that's redundant. Every medium has to be psychic.
Speaker 1:Yes, yes.
Speaker 2:Medium. Every medium has to be psychic. Yes, yes, medium, but I know it's a social term that people are familiar with. Yeah, and I know how it was coined and when it was coined.
Speaker 1:Forgive me, Maybe coin a new term, sir, okay.
Speaker 2:Well, that's very interesting. So I'd say medium would be a great term, or spirit messenger that's great. Yeah, and I call myself a spiritual medium Again, because I bring that essence of that. Yeah, that's a great term, I like that.
Speaker 1:So learning how to be a spiritual medium in your course.
Speaker 2:Yes.
Speaker 1:I will say that I'm more excited about, with your course, being reconnected back to my soul and being connected back to myself and and, and having the additional benefit of being able to discern different readings and whatnot. I think that's amazing.
Speaker 2:But when you know yourself, when you have a goal, the medium is much easier.
Speaker 1:Absolutely Like I. I find that aspect of it so much more exciting. Not discounting the spiritual mediumship part of it, that's also amazing.
Speaker 2:But totally Cause. When you know your soul and you know yourself, life happens.
Speaker 1:You're, you're, you're limitless limitless.
Speaker 2:Exactly that's who we are.
Speaker 1:That's exactly it so many people hesitate to explore their spiritual mediumship gifts due to fear or doubt. What would you say to someone who maybe is on the fence about joining your program?
Speaker 2:What's the worst that could happen. You know you don't want to waste the time you have here. This time on this earth is very limited. Like being older now, it's like we're really limited and you look back and say, wow, if only, if only you don't want to live your life and have should'ves, would'ves or could'ves. I wrote a book about it years ago, called Unfinished Business. And the reason I wrote that book? Because I had so many spirits come in and say, if only I knew then what I know now. I would have said yes instead of no.
Speaker 2:So life is a series of choices. It's ordered Series of choices and all choices are based upon two things either love or fear. And fear F-E-A-R. False ego. Appearing real is only the three-dimensional human vibration. It's not a spirit. We are loving beings. So it's really. You know, sweetheart, I could tell you where it comes from. Maybe Fear could be.
Speaker 2:What other people are going to think of me? The religious thing Will I get possessed? Will there be demons? No, I don't believe in demons. I don't believe that stuff. I just think you know people sometimes in life. I think it's also you know.
Speaker 2:You and I are very similar. I know we never met before, but we have, um, very similar enthusiasm, but we jump in. We jump in because life is too short, yeah, and it's when you take chances life really begins. And and for me, to leave my job at powerhouse studios years ago, when spirit came through, this got. My guide said if, if you work with us, we'll always take care of you. And so we're constantly being tested, right, so that was a test for me, and I was in my twenties and I knew that, wow, I got to give a job at Paramount Studios and paid a lot of money. I'm managed, I have insurance, I can get a car and like, or do I do the spiritual mediumship work, which is like, I don't know who's going to come to me, how they're going to find me, I'm going to pay my rent, how to get my groceries, but I, inside me, I knew I had to follow through with that. It felt the passion of it and I did, and they've taken care of me. They've taken care of me.
Speaker 2:I don't live like a king, but I live okay and I'm traveling the world and, uh, the most important is I've influenced millions of lives in a positive way and kind of gave life back to a lot of people and that, to me, is successful and I'm so happy that I kept that you know agreement and did that because it has changed the consciousness it really, really has.
Speaker 1:I like how you put on fear is a false ego.
Speaker 2:False ego appearing real, and I do a false expectations appearing real.
Speaker 1:So that's I'm stupid.
Speaker 2:So much easier, and I do a, false expectations appearing real. So that's I'm stupid. So much easier, no.
Speaker 1:I love that. You say that I was like finally someone else. Yes, I love that.
Speaker 2:And I say you know? People say what's your religion? I said, well, I don't have a religion per se. What I do is love. Love is my religion, love or love?
Speaker 1:Love. And I say and what does that mean? I said well, love is one.
Speaker 2:What does that mean? One, I said, love is one. One O-N-E, omnipresent nurturing energy.
Speaker 1:We're all one Before I ask you about that one too.
Speaker 2:I'm going to take them all. Take them all. They're there for taking.
Speaker 1:You said you had millions. Okay, Like I'm one of those. Before we talk about your retreat, maybe what is your? Retreat in Maui. What is the most common challenge spiritual mediums encounter in developing their gift beyond simply trusting their abilities?
Speaker 2:Getting out of their head. Getting out of their head because you know the human animal is so used to being. What are people going to think of me? Oh, I got to get this right, I got to get this right and it's not the way it is. It's the opposite mediumship you just got to surrender to your soul self. Your soul knows right, it's been either. It's an age and worlds within worlds. So you gotta, that's part of that human thing of getting getting rid of it. So a lot of my students have to get them out of their heads and into their hearts. So it's, it's, that's really what it is. They're too much in their heads. Now, if you're thinking about it, you're not doing mediumship because you're thinking of it, you're still not human part of you. But if you're, you know, if you're doing media, true mediumship, you have surrendered such a point that you become aware of the impressions, the subtleties that come in. But but if you're thinking about it and you're not medium, you're just thinking about it, you know clear vessels is what mediumship is about.
Speaker 1:That is an excellent answer. I love that. I really do. It's an excellent answer, because I have a couple of friends that doubt their gifts and I'm like, maybe drop your ego at the door and yeah, again, this is from a friend of mine from England.
Speaker 2:If you're thinking about that, you're not doing mediumship, because you're thinking, you're activation. There's activation in the mind and you don't want that. You want to be the vessel which is that wonderful, surrendering part of you, which is open to receiving and remember. Spirits are all different. Their personalities are different, their hobbies are different, and that's really the fun is that I call it the art of discovery discovering the differences. And how can you do that? If you want to make it up, maybe do something. No, let them come to you, don't?
Speaker 1:go after them. You let them come to you. I love that. So you have a retreat that's coming up in july in maui and you have limited spots available, so please tell us all about it yes, I think there's 20 spots left.
Speaker 2:That's it and it's um. I, I did yoga. I started yoga. I started yoga a few years, but I was five, six months ago.
Speaker 2:I started with a girl named susan white sue white and she comes to my house twice a week and we do pilates and yoga and she mixes things up and I'm like I've done yoga for years, I've never seen these poses and stuff. And I was after a while. She would do certain poses and I'd start crying or things would happen and old memories would come like what is this about? And she said just experience it. Well, she's a healer, obviously, and what she was doing in certain poses released traumas that we hold on to certain muscles in our body and we live them. And so we got to do a retreat and I don't treat with a lot of people and it's my only retreat of the whole year, right? So I said, can we do a retreat? She goes well, yeah, there's a place in Hawaii we could go and rent it all out. Let's do a full week.
Speaker 2:So we're doing a retreat called soul retreat, and the first day is mind, body, spirit. The first day is the mind. So we do exercise to go into that mind and see what's sitting in your mind, what you're holding on to, why are you holding on to it, how it changes your perspective of the world you're living in and yourself, and whether it's forgiveness for people, all the experiences that traumatized you. It changed your point of view. So we work with the mind. Right, the mind is the soul, the soul's mind. So that's gonna be a whole day of investigating different exercises. And the second day is going to be the body, which is, of course, these poses that she has, that really sees traumas and and also what's fulfilling you. Why are you holding on to this stuff, right? And the third day is and we have a static dance at night, which is great you gotta, you gotta move to move that energy that's life like.
Speaker 1:And the third is, and we have a static dance at night, which is great. You got to, you got to move, to move that energy.
Speaker 2:That's life. And the third is, of course, spirit. So it'll be intuition exercise, be mediumship. It'll be I'm going to push everybody to do it. You know we can all do it. So it's going to be some fun, fun stuff. It's going to be soul searching. This is all retreat and I guarantee people are going to leave with a whole different sense of who they are.
Speaker 1:yeah, so it's um so people should sign up.
Speaker 2:They're interested right away, because there's only 20 spots and it's gonna go fast.
Speaker 1:It'll go fast, and so this is it, kids kids and also to see you in person like that's, that's amazing and I see me in person.
Speaker 2:I'm like this is for me. So yeah, this would be the one and we'll have to spend the whole together. We'll hang out, we'll do a lot of readings. So, yeah, have other people do readings. We'll work on it all together. You know, I believe in oneness, I believe we're all community, and if I can guide someone too, but guess what? There are people that have much better instruments than I am, and they might not even know it. So it's also honoring them and empowering them.
Speaker 1:James, thank you again so much for coming.
Speaker 2:Excuse me one second. Can I point out my website?
Speaker 1:Yeah, no, you may not. Of course you may. What's the name?
Speaker 2:of it.
Speaker 1:What is the name of it? I don't know.
Speaker 2:Tell me, is it jamesvanfrogcom, because we were joking before we got on about my name.
Speaker 1:Yes, everyone, I have my educational lesson for today that James so enlightened me with and I will make sure to in the show notes before we wrap this up. Thank you again, james. I will make sure to, if for next level mediumship, that will be in the notes to go to his retreat that will be in the show notes. And also to just get more information from James to go to his website. To just get more information from James to go to his website. So I apologize for not usually asking my last question before I do. It's always if someone wants to get connected with you, where should they go?
Speaker 2:And we'll do this again. We'll do other podcasts.
Speaker 1:I would love that, James. Thank you so much again.