Spiritual Spotlight Series
Discover a world of healing, holistic, and spiritual modalities with the Spiritual Spotlight Series podcast. Every week, we introduce you to diverse spiritual practitioners, including psychics, energy healers, life coaches, spiritual thought leaders, and witches. Each episode offers inspiration and enlightenment through the unique journeys, experiences, and divine abilities of our guests. Perfect for those on a path to spiritual awakening, this podcast blends science and mysticism to expand your understanding of spirituality. Our mission is to open your eyes to the world around you, making complex concepts accessible and enlightening for anyone seeking spiritual growth. Whether you're new to spirituality or looking to deepen your knowledge, the Spiritual Spotlight Series is your go-to resource for awakening and transformation.
Spiritual Spotlight Series
Protecting Peace and Embracing Awakening: Chris Wasko's Journey through Narcissistic Family Healing and Spiritual Growth
What does it take to protect your peace and embrace a path of spiritual awakening? You won't want to miss our conversation with Chris Wasko, a gifted psychic medium and spiritual counselor, who opens up about her courageous decision to cut ties with her narcissistic parents.
Her powerful journey of healing, supported by a specialized therapist, led her to extraordinary spiritual experiences, including connecting with her deceased grandfather.
Chris's story is a compelling testament to how profound healing can pave the way for remarkable spiritual growth and more fulfilling relationships.
Have you ever wondered if your child might be a "Spicy Old Soul"? In this engaging segment, we explore this fascinating concept and its relevance to understanding one's energy.
Chris shares practical insights into how psychic abilities can help parents connect more deeply with their children, especially in the context of heightened sensitivities in the post-COVID era.
Her anecdotes on tuning into children's unspoken thoughts provide a fresh perspective on fostering emotional well-being and stronger family bonds.
Parenting can be challenging, particularly when unresolved traumas come into play. Chris offers invaluable advice on creating a nurturing environment for kids to express themselves and the powerful connection of energy between mothers and their children.
We also dive into energy healing practices, from pre-session questionnaires to addressing energy blocks, and the importance of patience and self-belief in navigating one's spiritual journey.
Don't miss Chris’s practical tips and reassuring guidance, and be sure to visit chriswasco.com to learn more about her work and book a session.
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Hello everyone, welcome to our Spiritual Spotlight Series. Today I am joined by Chris Wasco. She is a psychic medium and spiritual counselor. Chris, thank you so much for coming on the Spiritual Spotlight Series. I'm so happy you're here today. Thanks, rachel, it's great to be here. So, chris, can you tell us maybe the initial phase of your spiritual journey and how it began, with an intense and emotional healing process?
Speaker 2:My spiritual journey Jumping right in.
Speaker 2:We're jumping right in and that's okay. So my spiritual journey happened because I made a very difficult decision to cut off my parents. I was raised by narcissists. I did not know they were narcissists until much later and it came to the point of enough is enough. I had a very volatile upbringing and now that volatility was starting to touch my children and threaten my husband. So I said enough, I'm done. You know, I took this abuse my entire life and I'm not going to let it touch my family. So you know.
Speaker 2:And then the first step after that was just panic, because when you're raised by people who pretty much threaten you your entire life and you're scared of them, it's well, what are they going to do?
Speaker 2:What are they going to do to try and punish me? So I was terrified and I decided I needed to go to therapy and I worked with a therapist that specialized in narcissistic abuse and she was kind of like the first to really help validate a lot of the things I had dealt with, a lot what I was experiencing and helping me understand a lot of the terms, a lot of the tactics and how textbook my parents really were. And through this I started changing a lot of things and I was really just healing my energy body and, because of all these little baby steps I was taking, I was opening myself more to spirit, but unknowingly at the time. So things were just kind of surprising me because they were very subtle. And when I started seeing people in spirit, like I'd be having a conversation like you and I are having right now and I would see like a grandparent behind someone's shoulder and I would be like, oh my gosh, hi, you know. So it's been a process, but that was I say was the beginning.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so you kind of touched on this a little bit. So how did your ability to hear and see spirits, particularly your maternal grandfather, influence your path as a psychic medium?
Speaker 2:My grandfather- actually started showing up before I cut them off and because he had passed before I was born, it was a little easier for me to communicate with him because I didn't know him, so I didn't have anything to go off of.
Speaker 2:So you know, a lot of times when we communicate with our loved ones it can be difficult to be objective because we can think it's a memory or what we would want them to say, right, or behave.
Speaker 2:So when he was approaching me and coming to me, you know, everything I'd ever heard about this man had been a comparison to my own father and I realized I'm like he is nothing like my dad. I can maybe see the tendencies, but I was like this is someone very different. So I started asking people who knew him and they were like, oh my gosh, that, yes, like my uncle was like, yes, that is my father and you could not know this. So that was just really neat for me, especially because it was you know. He started coming to me before I cut off my parents, almost like he knew it was coming really. And then when it happened, he really started becoming more and more present and it was just really an interesting thing because here I thought I was like losing family when I was now connecting to family and spirit. So that was just mind blowing.
Speaker 1:I love that. I love that. Now let me ask you this so your parents, I'm assuming, are still cut off, but do you still talk to other family members Cause you mentioned an uncle like how has that been, with no contact with them and keeping your family somewhat intact?
Speaker 2:Oh, that's such a good question. So my, I have a pretty big family. My, my dad, is one of seven children and only one of them has passed. So you know, many of his siblings are still around, but only one of them still speaks to him. So that should kind of give an indication of where the toxicity lies.
Speaker 2:My mom has two siblings and only one still speaks to her. So I, when I cut off my parents, you know and I was, you know, connecting to you know therapy. As I said, I was guided to reach out to other family members that cut them off too, and they were so incredibly helpful at the time, like one of my aunts, for example. She was really pivotal because her words still stick with me. She said it's going to be very hard at first, but you will find so much peace and you will really appreciate it. And she's 100% correct, because it's just not worth the stress and the trauma and the toxicity anymore and it's we're in such a better place.
Speaker 1:I can't even tell you and I know this because you do Theta Healing and Reiki Healing which we'll get to so much energy is coming in to like validate what you're saying and it's just so like intense but beautiful and loving and not you know, I just love it, I just love the energy that's coming in right now. So, if anyone's listening, tap into the energetic field that's currently coming in, because it's quite powerful.
Speaker 2:I appreciate that. Thank you, yeah, it's so much energy around it because there's so much, so many layers that come apart and unveil themselves as you're going through a healing process.
Speaker 1:Absolutely so. What unique challenges and insights have you encountered while working with old souls as something that you work with in victims of narcissistic abuse?
Speaker 2:A lot of what I see is that if I'm working with an old soul, there's a narcissist somewhere in the picture, and if I am working with someone that is healing from narcissistic abuse, there's an old soul somewhere in the picture. And that is something I kind of stumbled on upon. My work feel like these things I've just been led to. But a lot of why I started working with old souls is because I identify as an old soul and they often pick very difficult lessons and they have very difficult childhoods and pick really challenging experiences and I wanted to help people, especially parents, understand their old soul children. So I do work with a lot of kids they're old soul children.
Speaker 2:So I do work with a lot of kids, uh, primarily their parents. But uh, you know they'll ask will you talk to my child? And what was really been amazing is I'm able to hear the inner thoughts of both the parents and the child and I've kind of become this, uh, you know, a medium in life to helping them understand what each other is thinking. Because you know, there's so many times we say things and it's not exactly what we mean or what we're thinking. So for a child whose brain is still developing, it's hard for them to get their feelings and emotions across. So when they're looked at as difficult, they're not trying to be difficult, they just don't know how to express their feelings as well. So I help, you know, create that, uh, you know, kind of open those barriers, if you will.
Speaker 1:I love that. So your concept of spicy old souls is fascinating. Can you maybe elaborate on what that means and how does it help individuals understand their own healing journeys?
Speaker 2:So spicy old souls is something I'm still developing because, uh, sorry, I just want the name. Yeah, I do too. Well, you know, it's funny because when I was thinking of a name, I really wanted something to stick and to stand out and to really identify with it. What I love about the name is the acronym is SOS, because so old souls often need help but they don't know how to ask for it.
Speaker 2:We are not very good at asking for help because we've had to work so hard at healing ourselves, at going through our journey ourselves, so we are not help seekers in the way that we probably could be. So Spicy Old Souls kind of serves as like a structured archetype to help people understand themselves, help them understand their energy better and then work with that energy. In some cases they might want to heal it, in other ways they might want to enhance it. So it's really going to be, you know, think of like when you rank spiciness from mild to spicy, you know everyone's going to fall into a different line of what they can tolerate. So that's kind of how that personality will work of an old soul. Not every old soul is the same. They will have different layers of spiciness and that can change from day to day, year to year, or they just embody it on a, you know, an entire lifetime level. So it really is going to vary by individual.
Speaker 1:As you're saying this, all I have in my mind is like getting ordering wings and like the extra hot or mild, and then I'm like, where would I fall on this?
Speaker 2:We'll do our own hot wings special and see what we can like, tolerate, and then start crying. I'm like that's good.
Speaker 1:I that that show scares me and terrifies me because I'm a mild queen.
Speaker 2:Likewise yeah, and.
Speaker 1:I'm like.
Speaker 2:I can't do it. I cry, I cry watching.
Speaker 1:I same, I'm like, I can't do it, I cry, I cry watching. Yeah, I same, I'm like. And then people are like this is a journey, this is fun. Yeah, wow, wow. I would need to do some sort of medication before I did.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I mean, I'm not a milk drinker, but I would need something, I would start something right, exactly like I would need something to help me just survive, because they're talking through it too I would be joking, and he is a great interviewer, so I think it's called how we feast, or whatever it's called. Like we props to you, sir, you're. You're an amazing interviewer and the people that go on cheers absolutely cheers.
Speaker 2:That is a show I will not be on unless it's just a spectator.
Speaker 1:I will just watch from a distance.
Speaker 2:Like oh there goes.
Speaker 1:I love it. So, in your experience, how does incorporating psychic abilities into everyday situations, like playdates or conversations with friends, impact your interactions and relationships?
Speaker 2:That's actually how I really was understanding that I could hear thinking of children and parents, but more so children, because I would be on play dates. Uh, you know, I myself have four children, so going on play dates was a common thing, and you know how many times as moms were, you know, venting about oh, we didn't get much sleep last night, or my child is doing this, my child is doing that, and if any time they were saying something and didn't match up to what the?
Speaker 2:child was thinking, the child's thoughts would get loud, you know, clairaudiently for me I would just hear this and I would then tell the parent. Of course, these are people I'm friends with, so I would just be like hey, by the way, your kid hates you. Uh, you know it was more of uh. I just want to let you know your child is struggling to get this message across. You know, can I share this with you? And, and it wouldn't be as dramatic as hate, but that.
Speaker 2:I find that kids often get very frustrated when they don't feel heard or understood, and so when I was hearing it and then translating, and then the parents would just be like, oh my gosh, and time would go on and they would say you've helped change my relationship with my child, and that would always really touch my heart so much because that's something I would have loved to have done for little me. So it was certainly a part of my own inner child healing and it was a lot of encouragement along those lines of people that were like you should do this for a living. Whatever this is, go do it. And I kind of took baby steps to figure out what that meant to go do it.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I love that you work with kids because I think that there are a lot of kids these days that have parents or in relationships where they're just not heard, and you just said that and it's like, I think it's almost like as a parent, we need to be retrained on how to meet a child where they're at with. There's so many different energies and components in life that we didn't have to necessarily navigate through as children, and I feel for the kids that have gone through COVID, you know, have you noticed that there's a lot more sensitivities in children now? Absolutely, hey, it's wild, right? Yes, it's overwhelming.
Speaker 1:Much more tuned in, yes, yes, and I think for someone like you, or you know someone like myself who were we're tuned in, we're, we're attuned, we know what's going on. It's like we know where to meet somebody where they're at. But for others, you know, do you have a piece of advice that maybe you could give to somebody who maybe is struggling with tuning in with to their child that as having like it's almost like they don't know how to emotionally regulate? You know, it's almost like they don't know how to emotionally regulate. You know, it's just there's so much going on. Do you have a piece of advice for that?
Speaker 2:Yeah, I love that description of not being able to emotionally regulate, because that's really a lot of what's going on and we often parent from our own traumas, right?
Speaker 2:So if we were raised in an environment of fear, we're parenting from fear and we're going to be like a helicopter parent, right? So really, when it comes to tuning into your kid more, it is so much about listening but also observing and being quiet, because as parents it's tough to be quiet. I don't know if anyone notices how much they are speaking as a parent and telling as a parent, so the more we can just kind of be silent, observe and, if you really want to take the next step, feel your kid's energy, because energy is very easy to feel, especially mother to child, because they have the wound connection. I mean, even adopted children can have a womb connection with their parents. I've seen that, I've experienced that. So it's still there, because a motherly bond is something very powerful. It's a cord. Whether it was created in life or not, it still exists. So if you can tune into that energy, you will be able to tune into your child's feelings more.
Speaker 2:You may not always understand them. That's a whole other step, but you know that's that takes time, but it's more of that shows the effort to understanding. And if you're let's just say you're feeling a certain energy, like I'm. You know I sense you're a little tense right now. Do you want to talk about it and give them the ability to say no if they don't want to, don't try and drag it out of them. So you know there is a give and take to a parent child relationship. I know not everyone agrees with that, but the more you allow a child to be a human and treat it as such, uh cause I I treat children like adults, especially cause I work with old souls and they practically are adults. I mean, yes, they are still developing, their brains are still developing, as are their bodies, and there's hormonal aspects involved. But the more you talk to them where they're at, the more you will get through to them.
Speaker 1:And it's fascinating how tuned in they really are. Like it's. It's fascinating. I just remember my son he's 15, but he must've been 14 at the time and he we went into Barnes and Noble and he was like mom, we have to go. Right now we need to go. And I was like that's fine, no problem, let's go, Like I respect my son and I'll respect what he has to say, cause I'm like you, I want to meet him where he's at, cause I want him to have a safe space to let me know what's going on. We get in the car, he starts rubbing his arms off. He's like that energy no, not for me, no way. He's like send it back, yeah, return to sender. It was like for me, even though he'll make fun of me for what I do, I'm like okay, that's fine.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I'm theulu mom too so I love it.
Speaker 1:Are you doing your reiki healing sessions, mom? Your healing sessions? I'm like, yes, yes, I am, you're welcome, you get to benefit from the energy yeah, exactly, mama, you see any dead people today? Uh, actually, yes, I did it's okay and they're right out.
Speaker 2:There's good if you really want to know, yeah and no, there's not any in your bedroom oh my goodness, I love it I love. Oh, my goodness, I love that, oh, my goodness.
Speaker 1:Okay, we're going to talk, we're going to ship the energy healing. So how do you conduct an energy reading or healing session and what can your clients expect during these healing moments?
Speaker 2:The first thing I do in these sessions is I send out a questionnaire and it is very basic in nature, like what's your favorite color, which favorite animal?
Speaker 1:because it helps me?
Speaker 2:Yeah, exactly, but it helps me connect to your energy. So, whereas, like in therapy, you're going to spend the first couple of sessions for like in that, getting to know you and understanding and ultimately connecting to energy to understand the client, I'm doing that via this write-up because I can connect to your energy before I even meet with you online.
Speaker 2:Most of my clients are online, so I'll make my notes accordingly and then when I meet with you I will be connecting you know, with permission of course my my chakra system to yours and I primarily connect to the heart and solar plexus chakras because I'm primarily clairsentient. So I am all about feels and then I essentially am scanning and my energy is scanning clients energy and seeing where they're at, and I'll feel blocks and I'll feel, if there's flurried energy, that's just quick energy. You know trauma, and when it comes to energy, there's always something that's presented most forward and that's basically this is what needs to be tended to first, or this, or looked at first. Right, I do this a little differently with kids than I do adults, but with adults I will basically say you know, I'm feeling this, connect this energy. You know, let's just say, your throat chakra, um, I'm feeling it's very quick. This tells me that, um, you had um to really speak up for yourself.
Speaker 2:Growing up, I also felt that you were often criticized for this. And then I'm like, and then I'll kind of hear a female voice. I'm like, and I'm getting a female voice and this feels like mom. So could you tell me a little bit about your relationship with your mother. And then they're like oh yeah, mom was really hard on me, so it's kind of that initial, and then we start going into that and then I will give, uh, you know, some depending on each session, cause each session is different uh, exercises for them to work through. We might work through something together, they might do something after or both, and then with kids again just wanting to respect where they're at.
Speaker 2:So I had a child or I say child, but he's a teenager recently, his most forward energy was his dad. I felt everything in the heart, chakra and, uh, fractured, and this is all that. So I asked and his mom's there, I don't do these without, um, parental permission. Uh, so I said, you know, may I ask you about your dad? Are you comfortable talking about this? And he's just like, no, I'm not. I said, okay, no problem, so we shelf that and we'll put that aside until he's ready. If he's ready, and he may not be, and that's okay. It doesn't mean we can't work around that, so, but it's also it's letting them know.
Speaker 2:I know and that they're also safe with me and that you know I'm not going to force anything. So I love how these sessions go because there's always a progression. So you and usually people will meet with me once a month. So in a follow-up session I'm going to scan their energy again and I'll always notice it's changed and I love that and I'll be like hey, I feel like you know, you've repaired this, you've repaired that. That's why I'm so big on giving people exercises, because I want people to have the tools. You know we're all on our own healing journey.
Speaker 1:Yes, I help, but it really is up to the individual to do the work. That's so, so true. I love that. I love that you give them homework, but I also really respect the fact that you respect your client's boundaries, and really it sounds like consent and ethics and boundaries is paramount for part of your services.
Speaker 2:It really is. Yeah, especially because my boundaries were crushed so much in my childhood that I think I'm just overly respectful of boundaries and I really, and especially because you know, there's energetic boundaries too, you know, and you can push past those, but I would never do that to someone because it's invasive.
Speaker 1:It is, and I think there are, and I'm not sure if you've experienced this. There are, you know, psychic mediums and spiritual counselors that unfortunately take advantage of people that are vulnerable, and you know, I would say that definitely, if anyone's looking for a psychic medium or a spiritual counselor, really use your discernment.
Speaker 2:A hundred percent because, uh, and I don't even think everyone does it on purpose I love that this is coming up because I would have people ask me and this, this is often, uh, you know about, let's just say as an example, someone they work with.
Speaker 2:You know, oh, could you tell me about this person? So when I'm doing a psychic read like that, every energy I'm getting it would have let's just say it to you. You're asking me about someone you work with. I would be getting that information via you. So I'm going through you, but a lot of people don't recognize the fact that you can energetically go around and go right to that person's energy and I find that that's just unethical because you can drain someone's energy that has not given you any permission to really invade, because that's what that is at that point. So, while I feel it's unethical, I also feel there's a lot of people that don't understand how energy works and you really have to go through the person asking you, not jumping around to someone else, because it works very similar to like an evil eye and you don't want to play with that.
Speaker 2:So, um, yeah, it's, it's fascinating work.
Speaker 1:So I'm going to ask you this question and this is really off topic, so I have. So I have an issue when people are like I'll send you healing and it's like do you have consent? People are like I'll send you healing and it's like, do you have consent? Did you ask for permission? I'll send you love and light, I'll send you healing. I have a real issue with that. Is that something that you've rubbed up against? I guess it's almost like if the person energetically accepts it, but I do feel like if you're a very powerful energetic healer, you can zap them and they don't know what you're doing.
Speaker 2:It's like sorry, go ahead, please answer no, I think it's a great question because it is about consent. You know, like you know, I know you mentioned Reiki and I'm also a Reiki master.
Speaker 2:You know, you have to ask, you know and you need permission. I mean, I've had people. They're like can you give Reiki to my dad? He's in the hospital. I was like I would absolutely love to, but I would need his consent. Uh, you know, and it's just about that. So, uh, and I think, especially cause we're in this, like you know, social media world, where a lot of people will put stories out of things that have bothered them, upset them, and you know, a lot of people are good natured and want to help, so they'll say things like sending healing vibes your way.
Speaker 2:So I could see why that would be, like you know, did the person ask you know, and some people flat out ask hey, if anyone can send some healing my way, you know please do, and that's the open door there's, there's the consent. So I think we're trained for consent. Yes, and, and that's an energetic boundary, so it's hard to go around that, it is.
Speaker 1:It is, I will say that I will 100%. If you're asked if somebody I need help, I'll be like I will say I will pray for them. I will pray for them and then their angels, guides, will disseminate the energy the way that it needs to go.
Speaker 2:And it's a good way to discern that, because not everyone understands that there is that ability and prayer needs to go and it's a good way you know to discern that, because not everyone understands that there is that ability and prayer is so powerful and you don't need consent for prayer Cause, like you said, you know their, their team, will do what they need to Right and you know, and prayer lifts us all up, so you know, it's definitely great to understand that.
Speaker 1:I love, I love this. I love this dialogue. I love that we're totally off topic with my questions, but that's okay, all amazing. So let me ask you this what are some of the most common issues that your clients face that prompt them to seek, maybe, energy readings or psychic mediumship readings from you?
Speaker 2:Narcissistic abuse. That is the most common. I see Narcissistic abuse is the most common. I see whether it is a spouse or a parent, co-workers, that is definitely the most common. And I've been receiving a lot of plans lately of people that are just awakening more. So they'll consider themselves old souls and they probably have narcissism somewhere Because, again, like I said, old souls do. But they'll be saying I've been having the most vivid dreams, I'm starting to hear things I don't know what to do about that. Could you help me? And I, you know, that's why I started teaching spiritual development classes, because I flew blind in this. So I don't want that to happen to others. So I try and help you know, guide in that regard.
Speaker 1:So with your spiritual development classes, are those online or those in person?
Speaker 2:They are online. I do, yeah. So I basically will just host zoom and I will do it live, but I record it so that anyone who can't make it Cause you know time zones uh can uh participate if they want to watch and then save it for later and practice. But I I like to. You know, there's always a different theme and I just try and work with the themes and how I'm guided and just see where spirit takes me. And I've always appreciated where I'm at, because whatever students I get in each class, I'm guided with what they need at the time. Nice.
Speaker 1:I love that. So it could be like you're having a lot of clear audience students and you just go right down that path. Oh, that's, that's perfect. I love that. You tailor it to your students.
Speaker 2:That's really surprised me too, cause I, I'm, I'm type a, I like to plan stuff ahead of time. So I do to a degree, but then it's like, well, let's see where this takes me.
Speaker 1:Let's go. I love that. Before I ask you the last question if anyone is interested in learning more about you booking a session moving forward with classes, what is the best place for them to go to?
Speaker 2:My website is chriswascocom. W-a-s-k-o. It's a very nice website, thank you, and if they want to see me on social media, it's on Instagram and Facebook at chriswascomedium.
Speaker 1:Amazing. So what advice would you give to our listeners who are just beginning their spiritual journey and maybe looking to connect with their inner selves?
Speaker 2:I would say baby steps, because I think we get very eager to get to, I hate to say, advanced levels, but uh, you know, earth is all about that, so I'll just leave it at that.
Speaker 2:The beginner, intermediate, advanced, and, uh, I kind of say, throw that out the window, because I think there have been people that have been incredibly advanced, that think that they're just a beginner because they don't know yet, but and while that may be true to a degree, those are people that could, like, spring forward in a matter of months. But it's just again, recognizing the baby steps and also believing in yourself, believing that you can do it, believing that you know you are part of everything, as we all are, so you have every bit of ability, as the rest of us, to connect and to evolve more spiritually. So, um, yeah, try, I guess. Try not to rush through it and have fun with it, Cause it can be fun if we don't stress ourselves out and worry about being wrong, cause sometimes your interpretation is just different. It doesn't make you wrong. It's almost like looking at you know, interpreting a poem. It's not everyone's not going to have the same interpretation, but it doesn't make any of them wrong.
Speaker 1:So so true, like it could be coming. Your filtration system is different than mine. Like it's how we are taking in the info. That's so true. Yeah, what a good piece of advice. Well, thank you so much, chris, for coming on the spiritual spotlight series. It's been a pleasure to speak with you today. Thank you.
Speaker 2:I have loved this. I appreciate you.