Spiritual Spotlight

Unyielding Spirit: Louise Ashby on Resilience, Psychic Experiences, and the Transformative Power of Gratitude

April 11, 2024 Rachel Garrett, RN, CCH / Louise Ashby Episode 163
Unyielding Spirit: Louise Ashby on Resilience, Psychic Experiences, and the Transformative Power of Gratitude
Spiritual Spotlight
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Spiritual Spotlight
Unyielding Spirit: Louise Ashby on Resilience, Psychic Experiences, and the Transformative Power of Gratitude
Apr 11, 2024 Episode 163
Rachel Garrett, RN, CCH / Louise Ashby

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You won't believe the resilience and determination of our guest, Louise Ashby. After a devastating car accident at age 20 that stripped her of her physical attributes, Louise managed to harness the power of a positive mindset and a fervent will to pursue her acting career to see her through the most challenging times. Her inspiring story serves as a beacon of hope and a testament to the human spirit's indomitable strength.

Prepare to have your mind expanded as we explore the mystical. Louise shares her personal journey, including her near-death experience and her mother's psychic influence on her. Her vivid recounting of how these supernatural experiences have triggered her psychic abilities, further encouraging her path of self-discovery and personal development, is absolutely riveting.

As a transformational coach, Louise has empowered countless individuals through her transformative coaching and her Personal Power Program and Empower Her Mastermind. In our conversation, she shares a few of these stories, showcasing the transformative power of her mindset coaching. 

We end the episode on the life-altering power of gratitude - a theme that resonates deeply with Louise's experiences and is universally applicable to everyone's life journey. 

This episode is a treasure trove of life lessons that could change your perspective on life's challenges.

To connect with Louise: 




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We hope you found the episode to be enlightening and insightful. Our goal is to create content that not only entertains but also helps you grow spiritually and connect with your inner self.

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We believe that by sharing knowledge and insights about spirituality, we can help to inspire positive change and personal growth. So, if you find our podcast to be meaningful and informative, we encourage you to share it with your friends and family.

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You won't believe the resilience and determination of our guest, Louise Ashby. After a devastating car accident at age 20 that stripped her of her physical attributes, Louise managed to harness the power of a positive mindset and a fervent will to pursue her acting career to see her through the most challenging times. Her inspiring story serves as a beacon of hope and a testament to the human spirit's indomitable strength.

Prepare to have your mind expanded as we explore the mystical. Louise shares her personal journey, including her near-death experience and her mother's psychic influence on her. Her vivid recounting of how these supernatural experiences have triggered her psychic abilities, further encouraging her path of self-discovery and personal development, is absolutely riveting.

As a transformational coach, Louise has empowered countless individuals through her transformative coaching and her Personal Power Program and Empower Her Mastermind. In our conversation, she shares a few of these stories, showcasing the transformative power of her mindset coaching. 

We end the episode on the life-altering power of gratitude - a theme that resonates deeply with Louise's experiences and is universally applicable to everyone's life journey. 

This episode is a treasure trove of life lessons that could change your perspective on life's challenges.

To connect with Louise: 




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We hope you found the episode to be enlightening and insightful. Our goal is to create content that not only entertains but also helps you grow spiritually and connect with your inner self.

If you enjoyed listening to this episode, we would greatly appreciate it if you could take a moment to like, subscribe, and write a review. Your feedback is incredibly valuable to us and helps us to improve the quality of our content and reach a wider audience.

We believe that by sharing knowledge and insights about spirituality, we can help to inspire positive change and personal growth. So, if you find our podcast to be meaningful and informative, we encourage you to share it with your friends and family.

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Spiritual Awakening 101 Guide

Speaker 1:

Hello everyone, welcome to our Spiritual Spotlight series. Today I am joined by Louise Ashby. She has been through life challenges that should have killed her, but because of her mindset she overcame. She is a psychic and she's also had a near-death experience. She's a transformational and mindset coach who specializes in working with women all over the world and helping them get through life challenges. Thank you so much, louise, for coming on the Spiritual Spotlight series. I just combined your name into six different ones, louise.

Speaker 2:

No, thank you. Talking about spirituality and life and everything else, personal development is my favorite thing to do, so I'm happy to be here.

Speaker 1:

I love this. I love talking about personal development. Your journey is nothing short of awe-inspiring. Can you maybe share with us how your mindset played a crucial role in overcoming life challenges that could have otherwise maybe?

Speaker 2:

broken you Absolutely. Well, I didn't know anything about mindset or manifestation or any of these things before I moved to LA when I was 20. What got me into it was I woke up in the middle of the night from a dream. A friend of mine called me from England and it woke me up in the middle of the night and I was crying. She said what's wrong? I said I just dreamt I had a car accident and I lost all my hair. She was like oh, blah, blah, blah.

Speaker 2:

The next day I had the car accident and lost the left side of my face and my hair, front of my brain, left lobe of my brain, a little bit of the right lobe of my brain, smell, taste, vision in one eye, reverse curve Just a whole bunch of stuff. It's just a whole bunch of stuff and it just is what it is. To be honest with you, my husband goes why do you tell that story again? It's like that's from 30 years ago or whatever. I'm like because it just shows my clients and other people that you can get through anything with the right mindset. It's about what you're telling the universe. This is what I'm expecting make this happen. The reason I tell that story is because I think people need to know and realize that they too can do it. If I could do it, trust me, you can do it.

Speaker 2:

With my mindset I basically I was an actress and a model and suddenly I, in the hospital, coming out of a coma, have no idea that I've lost my face, and then the day comes after a month, five weeks, where I'm allowed to see myself in the mirror.

Speaker 2:

That was probably the most enlightening thing I could have experienced, as well as the most painful. I am where I am today and I wouldn't take any of it back, because if I did, I would be taking back how I've helped other people get to where they want to go. I see myself in the mirror and you can't be prepared for that. But the biggest thing, I couldn't recognize what was looking back at me. It was horrific what I did realize, because I still felt the same on the inside and I was like this really is our housing. This really is our housing because I don't recognize what I'm seeing in the mirror, but it's still me. I collapsed on the floor crying, heard my dad in pain on the other side of the door in the hospital room and I was like, okay, you've got to make a choice and you've got to do it quick because, well, my mum had just died the year before, so it was like these things into one right.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

That's. The reason I'd moved to LA at that point is because I'd been taking care of her for five years and then she died, and she was 45 years old. So young.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so young, I was 20. So I was like, okay, life's so short, you've got to go, go, go go. I went to LA and then six weeks later this happened. Anyway, my point is, I was on the bathroom floor and it was okay. If to make a choice and you have to do it quick either you're going to let this car accident, what you just saw in the mirror, everything keep you on this bathroom floor. You know you're going to give in to the circumstances and your life, you may as well just stay on the bathroom floor, or you're going to make a choice to get through it and do whatever it takes to go one day at a time, one hour at a time, one minute at a time, whatever it takes. And I thought if mom could do it, I could do it. And so I came out of the, I got up and I came out the bathroom and made a joke about the color of the turban they had bought me to cover my head because I had no hair, and so then it just concerned them even more. She's in shock. I don't think she quite realized what's happened, but it wasn't that at all. It was, you know.

Speaker 2:

I think that because I was taking care of everybody else's feelings at the same time actually got me out of myself in a way. And then I started reading books on the powers within you and all these kind of things and looking like Louise Hay I fell in love with and all those amazing soul teachers, spiritual teachers. So I get home and it's like okay, because all the doctors I saw said there's nothing we can do, it's too severe, there's nothing we can do. And I said no, no, no, you don't understand. I'm an actress. There is, you have to fix me because I can't be in front of the camera with no face Right. And at the end of the day, it was that acting dream that got me to where I am, because had I not had that dream, I wouldn't have persisted and just kept going. And the determination and the willpower and the strength that's what got me through was that acting dream.

Speaker 2:

And then, once it got to the point where, after 12 years, 28 reconstructive surgeries, 250 metal bolts, blades later, that when I was in front of the camera I was like you know, I don't want to pretend to be somebody else, I'm actually really happy being me. And I discovered something about me that I didn't even know I was capable of. So what I would do to get through it is I would make myself sit in front of the mirror and embrace the side that had been injured. So I would look at this side and this side and I would stare, and then I would cover this side with a magazine and then I would try and do that and just do that mirror work, like okay. And then I would visualize I didn't even know where this came from. I would visualize this side and my face as healed and well and like all of these. You know, just like I was kind of thing. And then I would meditate Don't know how I learned to do that and I would, I would manifest, I would work on my mindset.

Speaker 2:

I made sure to surround myself with positive people all the time. When you're going through huge challenges, you can't afford to have anybody who's a naysayer, who's negative, who's like don't you think you're being a bit too? You know you're not being in reality. It's like no, there's actually. You know I'm going to create my own reality and it's not what yours is. So anytime somebody you know questions whether it's possible and everything else. That's basically just how they would deal with it. That doesn't mean you have to deal with it the same, and I strongly, if you are going through something, I strongly advise that you keep your your goal close to the heart and only keep people around you who share that vision, because it's really important.

Speaker 1:

That's such an important piece of advice because I sometimes I feel like human nature has a tendency to try to bring people down, and it's. It's fascinating, like you know, how I guess, hurt people hurt others, and I like that you're, you're, you know, keep it to the chest and keep people that have high intentions, that have your want to support you, because it's going to elevate you even higher, exactly so, so important, and I also appreciate the fact that you went through this near death experience like very traumatic. Let me ask you this, though did you and maybe this is too woo- no, no, I'm woo, I'm wooing.

Speaker 2:

I went to the psychic institute.

Speaker 1:

That's why I like I know, that's why I'm like I want to talk about psychic and what's about woo. But when you had this near death experience, like, did you have any like going to heaven or seeing your past loved ones, or any experience that you can share with the audience?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and a lot of people who have near death experiences. The majority remember, and then there's others that don't Right. I like it kind of. So I remember I was in a room and I was waiting and it was just an empty room and I was waiting and then a door opened and I walked out and I went up this staircase. There was a house at the top of this really tall staircase and there was a deck, not a what's it called. You call around Is it a deck? Like a pavilion? The house and then around it you have a deck. Oh oh, oh, that deck.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm like wait, I'm like excuse me, ma'am.

Speaker 2:

I'm like three words.

Speaker 1:

I don't know I'm there with you. I see this deck. I see a porch, a covered porch.

Speaker 2:

Right. So I'm getting up this staircase and I get to the top and I looked to the right and my mom is sitting there and I said to her oh my God, where have you been? I've been looking for you everywhere. And she said I'm here, I'm always here, all you have to do is say my name. And I didn't know if that was a dream or whatever, but you know it actually.

Speaker 2:

Later I saw a psychic who said that I had tried to leave three times and my mother saved me each time. So I do believe that I was with her. And also another thing that was really weird is I remember when my mom was in a coma, right before she died, and a friend of hers, who's very woo-woo, came in the room and said look, I don't want you to talk to her face because she's up there, she's looking down on you. And I was like okay, and I felt really weird going hey, you know, but so I'm in a coma and none of my friends are allowed to come into the intensive care unit. So a friend of the family took a tape recorder the days of tape recorder into the waiting room and she recorded all of them.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I love that.

Speaker 2:

Giving me a message and then, while I was in the coma, she played it to me. When I woke up she said, oh, I've got this recording to play you. And I was like, oh, okay, I know what it is. And she goes no, I don't think so. And she pressed play. I said word for word what was on the tape, so so that's so. I'm like okay, and that was just. I didn't ask questions, I didn't ask what happened to me. I wasn't really I made jokes, I just kind of I was just present. I was just, I wasn't surprised to see my family or friends, like all these things, and I definitely came back with more psychic awareness than I'd had before.

Speaker 1:

So with your psychic abilities, did you? Were you always intuitive and always tapped in Like I get that accelerated? After this experience, Did you always feel like that you were within that psychic realm?

Speaker 2:

So my mom was very much like me and when I was about 11, I was in my bed and I was my room was on the top floor, in like the attic, and I had turned the light off and I'm going to sleep and I hear this thing on the carpet and I think it's the cat. You know, when you can hear somebody and I turn on the light, nothing there, call the cat, nothing. Turn off the light, lie back down. And then I hear it again and I turned to the right and there's a woman standing next to the bed, hovering, I should say, and I was like I have no idea how I fell asleep. I have no idea what happened next. No idea, I just know that in the morning I ran down to my mom and I said you know, I saw a ghost. And she said don't be so ridiculous, there's no such thing. And then later that day I heard her on the phone to a friend of her saying Louie, saw her last night.

Speaker 1:

So your mom had already.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and my name. My mom's favorite person was her great aunt Lou and great aunt Lou died. My mom started dating my dad. My dad moved to Australia. She was devastated. She gets a visit from great aunt Lou in the night saying, Linda, you're pregnant with a little girl, you need to do a test and you need to go to Australia. And mom was like don't be ridiculous, Did a pregnancy test, pregnant with me, Hence my name is Louise. So and then lots of things happen with my mom as well, Like she would go in places and her watch would stop and she'd wake up in the middle of the night and somebody pushing down on her, like all these crazy things. She woke up in the middle of the night once because the phone was ringing and she went to get it and she looked at the end of bed. She said she saw me in my night dress with my hair back combed like hovering and I'm like what?

Speaker 1:

So Are you asked for projecting.

Speaker 2:

I have no idea, but then it really so.

Speaker 2:

then I had the accident and I wanted to know from psychics you know, I wanted to get in touch with my mom, I wanted to find out all this stuff. And every single one would say to me you have this, why are you coming to me? You have this and I go. I don't. I don't, you're being ridiculous. I don't and they go yeah, you do.

Speaker 2:

Anyway, I started dating a guy who had been to the psychic institute. He said you should come and do this meditation. Of course, the psychic institute. And I was like, okay, cool, not expecting that we'd be meditating for three hours a night. So you know, when you meditate, you're clearing a lot of unwanted old energy that no longer serves you and you just need to get rid of it. Pain, fear, anxiety, whatever it is. It really speeds up the process and you get in touch with your higher self who can give you direction, and you're open to the signs. You're very clear. Well, I definitely got clear, because then in the middle of the night I'd wake up to hello right by my ear and I'm like no, no, no, no, no, come on the PB. So I would do this whole thing.

Speaker 2:

And then I went back to class and I said you know, this meditation thing I love, but there's weird things happening, like people are visiting me in the night. I'm seeing things in my bed. And he goes yeah, that's because that's what you do. And I was like no, I don't wanna do that, I don't wanna do that. And he goes well, then you're gonna have to tell them that you don't want to see them. And I said and sleep with the television on. So I had the TV on, I had the light on in the room, so this went on.

Speaker 2:

And but what was really amazing was I would think something and it would happen in a positive way, like I really wanted to be on this person's show very well-known person and I've been talking about it with somebody. And then I get home two hours later and the phone rings and it's that person. I love that. And recently, like a year ago, I was on a Zoom call and somebody said oh, you should do a TED talk. And I was like, oh, it's my dream, blah, blah, blah, blah. And then, two weeks later, I get an email from Ted Said and I was like this is weird. So if you want things to happen, it's really about meditating and just clearing away negativity. And then it just, I mean, you're just clear, you're clear present, and so you're able to manifest things really easily and also, you have a very positive mindset.

Speaker 1:

Yes, you don't have limiting beliefs that are holding you back and you don't sometimes.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think we all do, but yeah, but you know what I mean. I know what to do with them. I know what to do with them. I know how to overcome challenges.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and you have a clear. Like I'm, a firm believer, energy follows intention and if you're putting it out to the universe. You know the universe is going to respond in kind. Limiting beliefs be damned. But you know it's going to respond to you and I just I find that fascinating.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. And so the first time I really learned about manifesting was when I went to see this healer and I was really down and he said, oh, you need to watch this film that's just come out called the Secret. And so I was like okay, what is it? And he goes what I want you to do, because I've never seen you like this. He goes I want you to go home, go get it. Go home, put it on and just keep it on rerun While you carry on doing things. Just have it on in the background. It's fine. So I did that. I'm not kidding.

Speaker 2:

The next day I get an email asking me if I would be in the Secret too. I was like what? It never happened. At the end of the secret never came out with another one, but it was like so for any of your listeners, if you want something, be really clear and intentional and visualize it and this is what I do with a lot of my clients is we work on all of that. And so at the end of a session, I'll go okay, what are we gonna manifest before next week? So I had this one point. She's like okay, let's start with something small. And she said, okay. I said what about a dollar? And she was like, okay. And I said you can't ask somebody to give you one, you have to just know that a dollar is gonna come from somewhere unexpected. So she calls me two days later and she said oh my goodness, I opened up the dryer and a dollar fell out of the jeans pocket.

Speaker 2:

I love that. I was like so every week we do those things so people can see, so my clients can see that you start with something small and then you learn how to do it. You just expect, expect, just know, just know. It's like I didn't give the universe a chance not to show up the way that I needed to. That's so true. Yeah, it was. I would give myself 10 minutes a day. If I was feeling down, I'd say, okay, you've got 10 minutes, get it out, and then we start the day.

Speaker 1:

And I love the fact that you're talking about meditation, like, and I don't think people realize the true power of just something as simple as meditating. It's huge.

Speaker 2:

It's huge. A lot of people. They think they don't know how to They'll be like. Why don't know how to? There's no right or wrong way. A lot of people can start with a simple candle meditation where you're just staring into the flame with music on it's. Some people do walking meditations through the park or going on walks, being mindful.

Speaker 2:

I mean, I do run a lot of these workshops and things and they're really really great and so, yeah, I love it. I love it when you see somebody do it and the lights go on and it's like, oh my God, I can do anything because I have the support of the universe and I'm not holding on to anything. I think that with anything so with what I went through, I knew that if I was gonna get through it, I had to really go within and deal with all of the stuff from my past, absolutely Anything that was somebody else's story, that they've told me, the limiting beliefs, all the things that didn't really belong to me. There were other people's stories that have been put in my head that I thought were mine, but they're not, because it's important to know you can do anything. And so, as well, with the meditation, you're getting rid of other people's voices, and you're getting back in touch with yours, and that's what's important.

Speaker 1:

So, with being a transformational and mindset coach for women, you're on a mission to help people overcome adversity. What are one of the most rewarding success stories that you've had with a client who is facing significant life change challenges?

Speaker 2:

Okay, it's a gruesome one, but it's an amazing one, just to show the real extremes. So I would get a lot of emails from people around the world who'd gone through these really traumatic situations, because that's what they saw that I was initially doing. There was a oh. This woman and her mother called me because every time I did a show I made sure that they had my number and my email and I would respond to every single person, because that's what we're here for, right To help other people. And her mother called me and said look, I don't know if you can help, but my daughter was going out with this.

Speaker 2:

She was dating this guy and then he said he wants to get married and she said no and he freaked out and said that's it. And he called all kinds of names. She ran, they broke up, she was living with her mom. Then she finally got her own place and then there's a knock at her door one day and she opens it and it's him and he said I'm gonna give you one last chance, marry me. And she said no and he dragged her onto the front lawn, tied her to a chair and got a knife and her eyes except for once she can see a little bit, a little bit.

Speaker 2:

But. And he'd went to prison and he was just about to be released and she hadn't left the house for the years that she was seeing a therapist who didn't, nothing was working. And she said when she saw you on Larry King, no-transcript. She changed. She basically said, oh my God, she gets it. And so the mother said would you be willing to speak to me? I said, oh my God, put her on the phone now.

Speaker 2:

Anyway, I spoke to her over the course of weeks and I did give her a couple of exercises to do. And then I get a call from her therapist saying I don't know what you did, but she's changed. She's like coming out, she wants to now get her own place, blah, blah, blah. And it's like. So if you've experienced something like that, you can actually change somebody else's life by nudging them in the right direction and saying you know just somebody else's voice who's been through a trauma, who can shed light on what's real and what's not real, what's fear and what's faith. You know because? Are you making this decision from fear or faith? Because that's how it's gonna come out.

Speaker 1:

So that's so powerful. Are you still in contact with her now.

Speaker 2:

No, no, she moved and wanted to be unlisted and he was being released.

Speaker 1:

So she was in a lot of fear, so I just said I mean, but how powerful of a transformation that she could have led a life of just being a recluse and not having any quality of life, and now she's living it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. And then on the other end of the spectrum, so there's that really traumatic one, and then there's a mother who calls me and says my daughter's in accounting school. She's miserable, I don't know why. She needs to see somebody. Can you just find out what's holding her back and just keep her in accounting school? And I was like okay. So I meet her for the first time and I'm like she's miserable. Like she's miserable, she doesn't wanna go to accounting school. She's like, yeah, I'm really good at numbers, but I hate it. And so I was like okay. And I'm thinking, oh, her mother wants me to keep her in accounting school, but she hates it and my job is to make her see how brilliant she is and that she can do anything.

Speaker 2:

So we do a vision board. And it was all fashion and I was like this girl needs to do fashion. So we spoke about it and I called the fashion institute in LA with her sitting there and asked them what they needed for her to apply her and I worked on her application. She got in, she went to fashion school for four years and she's a really successful influencer now and she thanks me for changing her life and I'm like I didn't change your life. I was just put in your path to give you that nudge to go in the direction that was. So that was also one that was really powerful. Two totally different kinds, but both incredible results.

Speaker 1:

Very incredible results and also like it just shows you the power of having somebody in your corner that's truly invested in your success and a willingness to actually listen. That's right. I feel like, as sometimes when we're in these maybe relationships, people don't really hear what we're saying. I'm sure her mom has best intentions, but wasn't hearing her. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

And today she's thrilled and she sees her daughter so happy and amazing.

Speaker 1:

I mean you need math and measurements. I mean you need it with fashion. You need math Right.

Speaker 2:

You need proportions. I think she thought that the only thing in fashion was to be a fashion designer. I was like no, there's no student designer, there's this. She's like oh, I didn't even think of that. Oh, I love that. She's very happy, which is good.

Speaker 1:

If anyone is interested in being coached by you or anything like that. What kind of packages or programs do you offer?

Speaker 2:

So the latest well, there's two actually right now that I've just launched. One is the Personal Power Program for Women who are facing life-changing challenges, and so that's a 12-week package, just one-on-one. It's pretty intense, but your life will change and my what's important to me is that you have the tools to get through any challenge that comes in your path. So we'll go through all the challenges and then figure out what the tools are so that you never need, when you finish coaching, you don't need to go, oh God, but I don't know what to do here, because that's not. You know, my job is to help you Right, enjoy your life and move on. Yeah, so there's that.

Speaker 2:

And then I've just sent out stuff today actually for the women's mastermind. It's called the empower her mastermind, and that starts in mid-October. There's only a limited number of spaces because it's a mastermind and it's six months commitment, and that, basically, is the personal power program, but it's for women and it's very reasonable for six months. I mean, it's crazy reasonable. But what I suggest is that you go to my website and you book in your free discovery call. And what is your website? Louisashbycom. You can book your discovery call there, or you could email me direct at louis, at louisashbycom.

Speaker 1:

I love that. So let me ask you this so we all have actionable tips, can you maybe share some mindset shifts that our listeners can implement today to start seeing maybe some immediate change in their life?

Speaker 2:

Absolutely Well. One of the things that I enjoy is I put little post-its on my mirror. So you know, some people believe in affirmations, others don't, but I think it's really about the power of how you feel. So, so funny. I've got this picture I've just seen in front of me. Says if you're still looking for that one person who can change your life, look in the mirror, take a look in the mirror. It's so true.

Speaker 1:

It's true.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely is. We are responsible for us. There's always something we can, you know, just so we're not being the victim. It's like OK, what was my part? Absolutely, yeah. So on the mirror I have post-its like you got this, or little tips. Journalling is really good, first thing in the morning because it gets out all of the stuff that you don't want anymore. So you've got it done for the day.

Speaker 2:

Gratitude list Gratitude is huge. Yes, if you have an attitude of gratitude, you'll be spending the day looking for things that you're grateful for. That shifts your mindset into, you know, a good one, absolutely. And the attitude of gratitude just brings more things your way, because the more you're saying thank you, the more the universe wants to give you the same. And then the other, of course, is people say well, you know what if I'm having a really bad day and everyone's yelling at me and all of this stuff? Well, that's when I take my dog for a walk and I just watch the joy in her when I throw the ball. Just the simple things. You can take yourself for a walk. Or what I have my clients do is write a list of 10 things that they would do to self-panper, whether it's go for a walk, have a bubble bath, whatever it is, and then when you're feeling your mindset certainly it's a shift you go to that list and go. Okay, I'm going to do that for myself right now. Really celebrate you, date you.

Speaker 1:

Yes, an attitude of gratitude, just even if you just implement that little practice, can change your life completely, right, 100%.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's a gratitude journal. Just five, oh yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I think it was one of the secret books they talk about like every day list out 10 gratitude, didn't you know, for the air in my lungs for the skin for my hair.

Speaker 2:

Nothing to be grateful for? Okay, there's always something to be grateful for, because there's always. And also remember, there's always somebody who's going through something much worse, absolutely. When my dad would say you've only got one eye, don't you get it? And I go yeah, but I've got another one. It's like come on, we've got to do this, we've got to shift it.

Speaker 1:

That is so so true. So, louise, thank you so so much for coming.

Speaker 2:

No, thank you.

Speaker 1:

Special Smiley series. You are just a treasure and a joy and I really look forward to talking to you again. Thank you so much. Thank you.

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