Spiritual Spotlight

Investigating the Afterlife: A Skeptic's Journey into Death and Reincarnation with Liz Entin

April 04, 2024 Rachel Garrett, RN, CCH / Liz Entin Episode 162
Investigating the Afterlife: A Skeptic's Journey into Death and Reincarnation with Liz Entin
Spiritual Spotlight
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Spiritual Spotlight
Investigating the Afterlife: A Skeptic's Journey into Death and Reincarnation with Liz Entin
Apr 04, 2024 Episode 162
Rachel Garrett, RN, CCH / Liz Entin

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Do you ever wonder what happens when we transcend mortal existence? What if there's a realm beyond our knowing that ties to the very essence of our existence? Join us on a fascinating journey with Liz Entin, a scientist turned afterlife investigator, who explores these very questions, inviting us to consider the possibility of an afterlife beyond our physical world. 

Listen as Liz shares the transformative moment that led her into an intriguing journey through the world of afterlife science, her discoveries about reincarnation, and her enthralling experiences from the other side. She also gives us a peek into her podcast, 'WTF Just Happened? All About the Afterlife, No Woo', which takes a skeptical but open-minded viewpoint on the mysteries of the afterlife.

Get firsthand insights into Liz's encounters with unexplainable phenomena such as table tipping, spiritual shops, and seances. Learn how she balances her cultural Judaism with her exploration of the spiritual world and how the two can harmoniously coexist.

 Hear how Liz's mentor made an uncanny appearance during her research and the overwhelming response her book 'WTF Just Happened' has garnered. With her upcoming third book on the horizon, Liz expresses her excitement about the ongoing journey of discovery and exploration. 

Tune in for this enlightening conversation, where Liz provides a unique perspective on afterlife and mediumship, challenging our worldviews and opening us to new possibilities.

To learn more about Liz: 


Podcast: https://www.wtfjusthappened.net/podcast 

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Do you ever wonder what happens when we transcend mortal existence? What if there's a realm beyond our knowing that ties to the very essence of our existence? Join us on a fascinating journey with Liz Entin, a scientist turned afterlife investigator, who explores these very questions, inviting us to consider the possibility of an afterlife beyond our physical world. 

Listen as Liz shares the transformative moment that led her into an intriguing journey through the world of afterlife science, her discoveries about reincarnation, and her enthralling experiences from the other side. She also gives us a peek into her podcast, 'WTF Just Happened? All About the Afterlife, No Woo', which takes a skeptical but open-minded viewpoint on the mysteries of the afterlife.

Get firsthand insights into Liz's encounters with unexplainable phenomena such as table tipping, spiritual shops, and seances. Learn how she balances her cultural Judaism with her exploration of the spiritual world and how the two can harmoniously coexist.

 Hear how Liz's mentor made an uncanny appearance during her research and the overwhelming response her book 'WTF Just Happened' has garnered. With her upcoming third book on the horizon, Liz expresses her excitement about the ongoing journey of discovery and exploration. 

Tune in for this enlightening conversation, where Liz provides a unique perspective on afterlife and mediumship, challenging our worldviews and opening us to new possibilities.

To learn more about Liz: 


Podcast: https://www.wtfjusthappened.net/podcast 

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We hope you found the episode to be enlightening and insightful. Our goal is to create content that not only entertains but also helps you grow spiritually and connect with your inner self.

If you enjoyed listening to this episode, we would greatly appreciate it if you could take a moment to like, subscribe, and write a review. Your feedback is incredibly valuable to us and helps us to improve the quality of our content and reach a wider audience.

We believe that by sharing knowledge and insights about spirituality, we can help to inspire positive change and personal growth. So, if you find our podcast to be meaningful and informative, we encourage you to share it with your friends and family.

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Speaker 1:

Hello everyone, welcome to our Spiritual Spotlight series. Today I am joined by Elizabeth Inton. Liz is a sciency skeptic who began investigating if there was evidence of an afterlife after the passing of her father in 2015. She's an author and she's also a podcast host. Liz, thank you so much for coming on Spiritual Spotlight series. I'm so happy you're here.

Speaker 2:

Thanks so much for having me. I'm excited to be here.

Speaker 1:

So let's just jump right in. Your journey sounds extraordinary. Can maybe you share the moment you went to skeptic, to someone who was willing to explore the concept of an afterlife?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I can't say there's exactly one moment. It's definitely been a step-by-step progression, but I think the first moment I thought an afterlife was possible was I had a thought that this was. I think my dad just recently moved to hospice and knew there wasn't much hope. I had a thought okay, this is why I thought the time I don't think this now, but that our consciousness is created by neurons firing in our brain. If that happens once, why would, in, say, 300 years, another set of neurons firing in a brain create me getting to experience another consciousness not, liz, not karma-based, just getting to at least experience being somebody.

Speaker 2:

I wouldn't get to be with my dad again. He wouldn't get to be with me. But it's certainly better when you think the alternative is complete obliteration. I Googled that and I found the research of doctors Jim Tucker and the late Ian Stevenson, who are professors at the University of Virginia, child psychiatrists, that they are setting cases of kids with past life memories in a very data-based, scientific approach. That was absolutely the most life-changing first moment I thought oh my God, wait, am I allowed to swear in your podcast?

Speaker 2:

Of course I mean your title is what's?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, of course you're loud, thank you.

Speaker 2:

That's where I had my first major. What the fuck like? What the fuck is this? Oh my God, there is an actual, tangible possibility that we could survive bodily death in some way.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I find it fascinating when you do look at research of people who have like past life recall, like that have come, like ring I don't know if you believe in reincarnation that are on this earthly plane and then they're like I remember when I was this. Like I don't, I don't have any like connection to that, but when I see that I'm like what, like it's, it's fascinating and it's also delusional to me.

Speaker 2:

That was the first thing I found and that was being studied by child psychiatrists who have private practices and teach at the University of Virginia. Yeah, I teach psychiatry and so I'm just like these are not we people. And no, if you look at Dr Jim Tucker, he goes and verifies these kids' memories and in some of the strongest cases there's just, I mean, what can you say? There's no normal explanation.

Speaker 1:

That is so so true. So you described yourself as science skeptic, which is quite intriguing. Yes, how does the scientific skepticism guide your exploration into topics like afterlife and also into mediumship?

Speaker 2:

I think there's a big misconception and I have this too that afterlife was primarily based on religion and faith. I grew up in a very secular culture as well as a secular family, so it just you know, that wasn't even part of my life. I just had heard vague ideas of God and heaven and never sound possible, and that was the only vision I'd heard of or explanation. I've heard of an afterlife, I'd heard of reincarnation, but from a very spiritual karma base, and I've heard of mediumship and I pictured it again, very sort of spiritual base and I pictured it either complete frauds or very honest people who believed it but I couldn't, weren't actually doing mediumship. And a scientific skeptic approach is learning that it's twofold when it comes to mediumship, since you asked about that one specifically, although there's many tenants of afterlife and, yeah, afterlife exploration, but in terms of mediumship they're twofold. First of all, learning about the vast, vast body of data and research being conducted on psychic mediums, such as up to quintuple-blinded studies being conducted by the Windbridge Institute, by Dr Julie Byshele and Mark Bacuzzi, who are the founders, and they do blinded studies on mediums to confirm they can get accurate information and specific information, because I mean, anyone could give a fake accurate medium reading.

Speaker 2:

You probably have a couple of great grandparents on the other side and they give a bunch of. It's not that hard to get. They loved their children. They probably didn't know you, but it's not that hard. So it's very specific information that these mediums are required to get, such as someone's hobbies, careers, personality traits, and then controls would be hidden identity of the people. So, reading the numerous studies, other studies are being done, such as by Dr Jeffrey Tarn, who studies mediums brain activity and sees different brainwave activity when they're giving medium readings versus psychic readings, which is reading the energy of a living person versus not doing anything above. So that's where part of the science he's kept. That comes in because it's expected to be verified. The other is getting my own medium readings and I hide my identity completely and I score the medium readings for myself and I want them to get also accurate and specific data beyond the odds of chance. So that is how I would describe it.

Speaker 1:

I find that fascinating. I mean someone in the spiritual realm and then someone as yourself, who I like the fact that you're testing it. No, you want the science behind it, and it leads me to your podcast, and then we'll go to your book. I love your podcast title. Wtf just happened. All about the afterlife. No, woo. Can maybe you share an episode or an experience that made you truly go at yourself? What TF just happened?

Speaker 2:

Oh, my god OK.

Speaker 2:

Let me pull out of 10,000. It's just constant. So if we take away learning about all the data I've been reading or the first time when I read about Dr Jim Tucker my biggest first, what the fuck? And I discovered he was being interviewed on NPR Like serious places were taking his work seriously. Some personal experiences I can give a couple One my first medium reading my heart was in my throat. I was expecting most likely to leave Heart sick and devastated and she just got information after information. Another huge one was one time I got medium mystic information myself and I actually titled that chapter of my book like the number one biggest what the fuck to ever happen or something close to that. Yeah, but I went sort of as a joke. I was at an event with, if anyone doesn't know, the Forever Family Foundation. They use science-based testing to certify psychic mediums and they have a team of scientific researchers and they use these mediums to host events and grape for trades to help people with their grief. They have a bunch of other resources.

Speaker 2:

But, I was at one of their events. And Well, this was a convention where people, as well as dealing with grief, could also hone in on their own medium as stick abilities and mediums would. A panel of their mediums would offer feedback on people's readings and, as a joke, they dared me to go do one, just knowing I had no abilities. And it was so weird Like I start getting all these sensations and I went to this one medium. I don't know why I picked him, but I just walked over to him. This was before. This was my first Forever Family Foundation event.

Speaker 2:

Now it wouldn't be so remarkable because I'm friends with all of them, so most likely I unconsciously remembered stuff about them. But this was my first time meeting these people. I knew nothing about them. And I went over to this one. I just started getting like all these waves moving through me.

Speaker 2:

It was so bizarre and all the waves went congealed in my heart and started bursting there and I was like did somebody die of a heart attack? He said yes. Then they moved to my brain and in a specific spot like left all my body and just started like bursting in my brain. I was like did somebody die of an aneurysm? He said, yes, I mean, so I was getting it wasn't a good enough reading that someone should hire me as their media or anything, but I was getting the experience of actual the sensations and experience of mediumship. And after that it just opened me up a lot more in my research to believe mediums and be able to hear them when they said, well, I don't know exactly, but I'm kind of feeling this, whereas before I was like, yeah, right, but so that was a huge, what the fuck? In a big transition for me to open my mind to the research.

Speaker 1:

And you've actually you've investigated psychic mediums, taking ghost hunting classes and even in tendons seances. Maybe what is some compelling evidence that you've encountered to maybe rethink your skepticism.

Speaker 2:

Oh, my God, constant. Okay, so from like well, in terms of the ghost hunting class, it was not in person so I didn't actually attend, but it's taught at the Ryan Education Center by Lloyd Arbach and just learning about him and some of the research he's done because he was he's a stage magician as well as a parapsychologist so he would be able to recognize a lot of the phenomena if it's being staged and he's had so many experiences. He said where he assessed it was genuine and that was one aspect related to what I'd say with ghost hunting. My okay, the seance I cover in my book was completely fraudulent.

Speaker 2:

So, I did not get any good evidence from that, but that helped me assess that, yes, that I am able, that I'm not lying to myself because it was so different than my experiences where things were more genuine and I did. It's not my books, I happened very recently, but I did attend an event and there was table tipping there, which is part of Seance, and I'm pretty convinced it was real as convinced as I get about things from my experience, but that and they're definitely real Like. Oh, my God, oh my.

Speaker 1:

God, definitely real. And I will say that, as you're talking about this, I just had a book completely fall off my bookcase, like it's just like. Oh my God, I love that.

Speaker 2:

What's it called Native Street TV? Wait, what's this thing on the?

Speaker 1:

book what's? This thing on the book. It's actually my binder that has all the interviews that I've been doing for this series.

Speaker 1:

Oh, okay, I was like, I was like maybe I'm like why it was a fucking title, okay, but table tipping, 100% I find it. I actually go to a spiritual shop. My friend owns a spiritual shop and she has a circular table and we do table tipping and we actually have. We set the table and it gets going and we actually have clients, one at a time will come up and they can experience it and see Like, look, it's not us manipulating and ask it a question, let's go Like and it's just the fascinating, the energy shift of it and it's people love it.

Speaker 2:

Oh my God, it was really Like, not only was it fun, like I was expecting it to be more fun, it ended up being this remarkably profound experience where, like, my mentor had passed away really sadly in the middle of all my research and we called her in and she came in for me. It was really, it was really meaningful.

Speaker 1:

So I love the fact that you're open to it, like you're willing to experience it, and I do get your point about the seans, because I myself have attended. I would say it's a physical mediumship seans, where they actually apport things out of their mouth, and it's very interesting and I'm still not 100% convinced.

Speaker 2:

This one, I'm convinced, is fake, like this one, without a doubt, was fake. That doesn't all of them are fake 100% agree with you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's like. Yeah yeah, I don't know, they're kind of hokey yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, this one was hokey. I did a little poking around. I found like his prop kit, so I do. I mean, I was like no, you're full of shit, I love you.

Speaker 1:

I love the fact that you're like no, you're gonna uncover it, whether or not it's true, authentic or just full of shit. So let's talk about your book. Wtf just happened, Thank you. A science skeptic explores grief, healing and evidence of an afterlife. I know that it was your father's passing that motivated you to kind of dig in and possibly write this book. What's the central message you're aiming to convey, or that you do convey in your book? And you can see in Back of Her. The wonderful book is right in Back of Her. I love it. Yeah, I have to do the whole promotion.

Speaker 2:

Of course. Yeah, the main message really I'm hoping to convey is that there really is valid reasons to think that we could survive bodily death. I also have like underlying messages, like grief. There isn't a right or wrong way to experience grief and there's so much pressure in our society that tells you how you're supposed to handle it and supposed to feel. But primarily it's that, yeah, like afterlife is not about necessarily spirituality or faith or belief or wishful thinking. There's tangible evidence and very logical reasons that someone like me I kind of try to show how my mind works and that if I can conclude there's most likely an afterlife. The evidence is really strong. I try to take people through it in a very fun, light voice, as if you were my friend sitting meeting and having a coffee. It's very like, hopefully approachable and personal.

Speaker 1:

I love that and it was also a number one new release on Amazoncom. So I just want everyone to know like this book is amazing and make sure to check it out because it is amazing. It's our best selling new and featured. I'm trying to read new and featured. Rachel needs to get her glasses out, okay, guys. So another thing you've mentioned that you're a cultural Jew but also an atheist. How do your cultural beliefs intertwine, or maybe conflict, with your explorations into spirituality and the afterlife?

Speaker 2:

They don't at all. Like cultural Jew has nothing to do with God. It's like we like bagels with locks and cringes and have a certain sense of humor. It's very. It's really a. I mean. Yes, to some people Judaism is a religion. To me, and the way I was raised, it's a culture. It's a bit of like a personal identity and there's an aspect approach to, like I'd say, secular Judaism really isn't about religion or God.

Speaker 2:

It's like, you know, like dialect, like words, like oh, hey, that you know it's very cultural, likes like yeah, like inside jokes, humor, like like certain foods which you know. So to me it never was religion in terms of believing in God, so it doesn't conflict at all.

Speaker 1:

I love that. My sister is also an atheist. I don't know, I'm not sure if you still resonate with being an atheist and she's like I'll be pleasantly surprised if I, if there's a heaven, I'll be pleasantly surprised.

Speaker 2:

It's all good, like yeah, yeah, I mean I guess I sort of resonate as an atheist. I mean more. I guess it's such a definitive word and I try not to be a definitive person Like I never really even considered myself necessarily an atheist till I started like studying this and I'm like, well, that really describes I just never thought there was a God. I never really was around people who thought about it, it was just very irrelevant. So I guess I'm more of an evidentialist and I've never seen evidence of like a God or heaven. But that doesn't mean there aren't multiple states of consciousness, some material, some non, and I think that's much more explained by physics than religion. We just haven't fully explained it yet, absolutely.

Speaker 1:

So in your on your website, you have. Can you please tell us the hilarious story behind peanut, your Chihuahua and his encounter with Harvey Weinstein?

Speaker 2:

Oh God okay.

Speaker 1:

Rachel did her research, okay.

Speaker 2:

I never really it's gonna come up. I usually assume it doesn't. But what I do? I just laugh so hard. I mean dark humor.

Speaker 2:

I like dark humor so we're already talking about like okay, we're already talking about like dead dads, so let's go with. Like others. So like this part's not really my story to tell so I won't go into it. But like, my friend of mine was sexually assaulted by Harvey Weinstein and at one point, yeah, horrible, horrible and thank you, yeah, thanks from her. But on the light side of that, like we, I'd been doing a summer internship and my parents got me this apartment in New York and she was my roommate that summer and at one point I wasn't there. Okay, so I had my dog peanut. She's a Chihuahua, mix, pug Chihuahua and that's a little awkward thing. That's a mix, a chug. I mean the process called her Chihuahua was easier but it was like a little complicated.

Speaker 1:

I like the chug.

Speaker 2:

I was like that the chug, yeah, yeah, finding this little sweetest dog. She's since passed, but you know she was like with our family, like oh, my baby girl, and she loved everybody and except Harvey Weinstein. So apparently I wasn't there but like horrible, like he broke in like first into our apartment and she chased him around and he ran away and got scared and I ended up being like a secondary witness and testifying in the trial on behalf of my friend. Oh yeah, crazy, crazy. So part of it I will use this one moment to brag. I mean I like apparently like ripped his lawyer to shreds and that went viral. And then I also mentioned part of it, which was just true, that she chased Harvey Weinstein around. He was terrified, he was like running away from her and he's like what is this thing? Get it away from me. Remember, she's a Chihuahua mix. She's like 12 pounds and cuddly and he's a big ass blob of a man.

Speaker 2:

Huge and disgusting and like this massive oh I don't even know what and so he's like running away. He's terrified of my little Chihuahua. So that came up in the testimony, of course, goes viral. Peanut gets like a segment on. I think it was like court TV. I love this. It's just like thousands of blogs and papers. It was like I found one in China.

Speaker 1:

India, india.

Speaker 2:

I'm like OK, chihuahua is now famous and influence are social rights, human rights activists, I don't know. And she was like the most awkward little dog too, which makes it even funnier. She was not the most confident dog, just cuddly silly, wanted attention all the time.

Speaker 1:

I feel like your dog was intuitively connected and knew not to have this person around.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think so. Oh yeah, and probably also she felt like Miriam's, like my friend, I mean. I use her name, it's just protective.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Like I, you shouldn't obviously use someone's name in this situation but, like it's all over the it's the stories.

Speaker 2:

No, and in her names no, and so I didn't want to seem like this respectful that I said her name, my friend's name, but yeah, but yeah, she probably sensed her like disgust and fear, but like yeah, but it was like oh, and then they asked Harvey as he left the court case. I didn't know this was going on that. But right after my testimony, like all the press was like excuse me, Mr Weinstein, are you afraid of Chihuahua?

Speaker 1:

I love that I love that. I was.

Speaker 2:

Oh my God, I can't, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so if anyone is interested in finding your, your podcast, what TF just happened? All about the afterlife? No woo is it on all podcast channels Spotify, apple, everywhere.

Speaker 2:

It's on all Spotify channels. You can also go to my website and just click on the podcast tabs and it will link to all the apps to amazing, and if anyone is also interested in purchasing your book, also go to your website.

Speaker 1:

and what is your website?

Speaker 2:

My website is WTF just happened. Dot net and then you can get the book you get on Amazon. It will just like link right to it. You can get the Kindle or paperback, and I'm in the middle of recording an audio book and I'm close to finishing. What the fuck to? So my second book?

Speaker 1:

Oh, I love that. Okay, so what get us maybe a glimpse of your second book about to come out?

Speaker 2:

Sure, it'll be out in a few months, self published, so takes a little bit of time, but I'm getting to it. It is primarily picks up where what the fuck the first one left off and it so much, so much has happened since then that I include all of that and I talk a little bit about everything with Harvey Weinstein to.

Speaker 1:

I love that, because when this airs this book, your book will already be out, so I'll have to make sure to link WTF to to this as well. Well, there'll be a third then.

Speaker 2:

Oh yes yes, I'm have notes on the third because stuff just crazy shit like the table tipping, keeps happening. But that happened way after the timeline WTF to. I actually don't know what it's going to be called yet. It's either going to be WTF, just happened to with like a tagline, or I might call it something different, like the, like WTF, like what the actual fuck? It's still happening.

Speaker 1:

I don't know. I've got to make sure to link the fuck will be in the title Elizabeth second and possibly third book. I love this.

Speaker 2:

So and you're little. Thanks, yeah, third's a little down the line, but it's coming. Oh what Okay yeah, I do.

Speaker 1:

I think it's fascinating like it's going to keep going down the line. So, elizabeth, thank you so much for coming on spiritual spotlight series. I look forward to hearing about your third, fourth, fifth, six book and thank you so much.

Speaker 2:

I really appreciate it. This was such a fun conversation.

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