Spiritual Spotlight

Ania Halama's Spiritual Odyssey: Embracing Plant Medicines, Healing Arts, and Personal Transformation

March 28, 2024 Rachel Garrett, RN, CCH / Ania Halama Episode 160
Ania Halama's Spiritual Odyssey: Embracing Plant Medicines, Healing Arts, and Personal Transformation
Spiritual Spotlight
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Spiritual Spotlight
Ania Halama's Spiritual Odyssey: Embracing Plant Medicines, Healing Arts, and Personal Transformation
Mar 28, 2024 Episode 160
Rachel Garrett, RN, CCH / Ania Halama

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Ever wondered if there's more to life than the corporate grind? Our guest, Ania Halama, reveals her dramatic transformation from a stressed executive to a spiritual mentor and plant medicine facilitator. Anna's unexpected journey began with a one-way ticket to Thailand and a health scare that propelled her towards the world of holistic healing. In this episode, she unravels her inspiring story and the life-altering decisions that led her to a path less travelled.

We take an exciting detour into the fascinating world of plant medicine. Ania guides us through an array of healing plants, from the mystical ayahuasca to consciousness-expanding cannabis and psilocybin. She also introduces us to a mind-clearing black paste, illuminating its profound effects. 

Ania emphasizes the importance of due diligence when choosing a shaman and candidly discusses the potential harm of neglecting it. She shares a poignant story of a client who, after struggling with undiagnosed pain, found relief through ketamine treatments. 

Finally, Ania walks us through her collection of plant medicines available on her website, discussing their transformative power and how they have aided others in their spiritual journeys. 

She shares her experiences facilitating ketamine and psilocybin treatments, both online and in-person, and the incredible impact they have on people's lives. A compelling listen for anyone curious about spiritual journeys and the healing power of plant medicine, this episode promises to enlighten and inspire.

To learn more about Ania: https://www.aniahalama.com 

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Ever wondered if there's more to life than the corporate grind? Our guest, Ania Halama, reveals her dramatic transformation from a stressed executive to a spiritual mentor and plant medicine facilitator. Anna's unexpected journey began with a one-way ticket to Thailand and a health scare that propelled her towards the world of holistic healing. In this episode, she unravels her inspiring story and the life-altering decisions that led her to a path less travelled.

We take an exciting detour into the fascinating world of plant medicine. Ania guides us through an array of healing plants, from the mystical ayahuasca to consciousness-expanding cannabis and psilocybin. She also introduces us to a mind-clearing black paste, illuminating its profound effects. 

Ania emphasizes the importance of due diligence when choosing a shaman and candidly discusses the potential harm of neglecting it. She shares a poignant story of a client who, after struggling with undiagnosed pain, found relief through ketamine treatments. 

Finally, Ania walks us through her collection of plant medicines available on her website, discussing their transformative power and how they have aided others in their spiritual journeys. 

She shares her experiences facilitating ketamine and psilocybin treatments, both online and in-person, and the incredible impact they have on people's lives. A compelling listen for anyone curious about spiritual journeys and the healing power of plant medicine, this episode promises to enlighten and inspire.

To learn more about Ania: https://www.aniahalama.com 

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We hope you found the episode to be enlightening and insightful. Our goal is to create content that not only entertains but also helps you grow spiritually and connect with your inner self.

If you enjoyed listening to this episode, we would greatly appreciate it if you could take a moment to like, subscribe, and write a review. Your feedback is incredibly valuable to us and helps us to improve the quality of our content and reach a wider audience.

We believe that by sharing knowledge and insights about spirituality, we can help to inspire positive change and personal growth. So, if you find our podcast to be meaningful and informative, we encourage you to share it with your friends and family.

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Speaker 1:

Hello everyone, welcome to our spiritual spotlight series. Today I am joined by Anna Halama. She is a millennial manifester, spiritual mentor, plant medicine facilitator, integrative coach, intuitive digital artist. She is also an intuitive healer, reiki master, angel healer, eft certified practitioner. Ho opono no, no master, I'm trying my best, akashic records ready for you to angel card intuitive and law of attraction master. Thank you so much for coming on the spiritual spotlight series. I'm so happy you're here. Thank you so much, rachel.

Speaker 2:

It's a pleasure to be here.

Speaker 1:

So let me ask you this so what a journey that you've been on. You've gone from corporate life to world traveler and spiritual mentor. Can maybe you take us back to maybe a pivotal moment when you decided to leave the nine to five and pursue kind of more of a life aligned with your dreams?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I was really sick in my early 20s, just working in corporate America, stress of life, lots of trauma with my family as well Just really sick anxiety, depression, insomnia. I couldn't eat anything, I was going blind, doctors couldn't figure out what was wrong with me, just a whole bunch of stuff. And finally I'm like you know what? My health is the most important thing. If I don't have my health, I don't have anything else. And I knew that I needed to take myself out of the toxic environment, including I grew up in Chicago, including Chicago, including the corporate life, like just the hustle grind, because that's what was making me sick. I'm like, okay, I need to get a far away from this as possible.

Speaker 2:

One day I woke up and I'm like I'm done, I have enough, and I went into my manager's office, quit my job, put in my two weeks. In those two weeks I sold my car, sold my apartment, put everything in storage, bought a one way ticket to Thailand and I pretty much been on that one way ticket ever since on that journey. That's kind of where I felt into my spirituality. Living abroad is a lot more inexpensive than living in the US. So I was going to meditation classes, yoga classes, like breathwork classes, all of these things, and I'm like whoa, this stuff is amazing.

Speaker 2:

And I started slowly healing myself, naturally, which I was so amazed that, like I was on on medication for over a decade and nothing was working to get me out of it and like naturally, with meditation and breathwork, I could heal myself. I'm like what is going on? So I naturally just started healing myself and I'm like, if I can heal myself, I can help other people heal as well. And one thing led me to another. Spirit kept talking to me and I ended up in South America. That's where I live now. I've been here for almost six years and plant medicines found me and that is my path. Right now. I'm actually about to go to the jungle on Thursday, actually to get initiated into an ayahuasca tribe.

Speaker 1:

Okay, that is amazing. So I'm not so familiar with the plant medicine facilitator. So you're going to this, this tribe to get initiated, so tell us more. What is that and how can we sign up?

Speaker 2:

Well, I don't recommend everyone to sign up.

Speaker 1:

No, not now.

Speaker 2:

So I work with different plant medicines. I do conscious cannabis, I do psilocybin, as well as different ones. I just do them. I just finished the maps training for MDMA training and ketamine as well and but ayahuasca is my medicine. Like that is my go to medicine. I've been working with that medicine for about six years.

Speaker 2:

I drink it about 70 times more or less, and ever since her and I first met, like she's been giving me little inklings, like this is a much deeper connection for you than just you going to a ceremony and healing yourself. Like this is your path. And the more that I drank it, the more I saw that. And it just so happened a friend of mine he actually has been to that school that I'm going to sat with that tribe. He loved it so much he stayed for five months and I'm like, okay, I trust you. I like he was talking to him the other day and he's like, oh, I just want because I thought it would be something cool to do. He's like this is actually your purpose, you're gonna thrive and I love that and I love you.

Speaker 1:

call it a her.

Speaker 2:

Yes, so I personally believe. So. I'm sitting with the Shippewa tribe and they believe it is the spirit of the plant. It doesn't have a masculine or a feminine. I refer to ayahuasca as a feminine spirit. Yeah, I have that. I can facilitate. I also work with several different ancestral medicines as well.

Speaker 1:

Now, if anyone's interested in, maybe, you facilitating a plant medicine journey, is that something that you can do online? Do they have to be in person with you?

Speaker 2:

So, depending on what plant medicine obviously, if it's hard to get for them something like ayahuasca no I can't do that online or wrapping that one is administered with someone via the nose I can teach you how to do it yourself. The process is a little bit different. For example, this one that I have with me is a mambé, and ambil are different ancestral medicines as well, so those you can't do by yourself. But if it's like, for example, a ketamine treatment or a psilocybin treatment or a concious cannabis treatment, that we can do online, and I have facilitated those online.

Speaker 1:

Let me ask you this. I'm actually thinking in my head. I have a patient I'm a registered nurse around a doctor's office. I have a patient right now who's really struggling with a pain that they cannot diagnose, and they're trying to get her in for ketamine treatments, and I'm like, oh, I should have her reach out to you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I did ketamine treatment. One of my most profound one of my profound client stories from a ketamine treatment. This guy was dealing with PTSD as well as bipolar disorder. For a long long time we got him on a ketamine treatment and a psilocybin treatment not at the same time and then he got off of all of his medications. Like his bipolar is like stable right now. He doesn't have manic episodes. It's so beautiful to see these transformations. I'm impressed.

Speaker 1:

And I love that. It lights you up, like you're so excited just talking about it and how it's going for life, like it just makes it brings you so much joy.

Speaker 2:

It does. So this is Anya 3.3 right now. I just went to Burning man a couple weeks ago and I was at Burning man serving medicine. I was serving a hot bay, which is an ancestral tobacco that's administered via the nose. It's mixed with different ashes and different herbs as well, and, like I was serving like 100 people a day, like really holding the space for people it was a lot of energy giving out from me and then like just to hold that space, really profound moment inside the temple. And if anyone doesn't know about Burning man, so like they burned a man and then on the last day they burned the temple.

Speaker 2:

The temple is like a really sad, somber place that you let go of all your grief, people you've lost, animals you've lost. This year they had an entire wall dedicated to the women in Iran who were murdered Just like a really, really somber place. And I went in and I was just hit with emotion. The second I walked this is my first Burning man, so I didn't know what to expect and I walked right out and I went to a friend and was like, oh, can I get some paper? I really I want to do a little rap, a ceremony for myself, and I really want to cry. Like I really just want to cry. He's like, yeah, take all the time you need.

Speaker 2:

Walked in I cried, like the ceremony myself. I cried for like 30 minutes Like my eyelashes fell off. I had like three people come up to me and hug me, but what I realized that I was releasing was the old me. This is the new me. Like I'm not the person that I used to be, even a couple months ago. That's not me anymore.

Speaker 2:

I've done so much work, being proud of the person I've become. I've never spent the moment to grieve the old me. That person is dead. I need to fully release that so I can fully step into this me. And this new me is a facilitator. I hold space for people, I heal people, I share plant medicines and it's so beautiful, like I experiencing that. And this Thursday I'm going to learn how to hold space for a really, really deep medicine. I was a very deep medicine, so how can I step into that new version of me as, yeah, anya the facilitator, anya the spaceholder like that is the new me and I just I feel so aligned, like I know this is what I'm here to do, like this is my purpose. So that is why I light up so much.

Speaker 1:

I have to like throw my questions out, because we're just going to talk about new Anya. So why don't you tell us, like, about some of these ancestor plant medicines, and what does it bring about for somebody who is taking the medicine and what can they expect from it?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so different medicines do different things, obviously. So these two, for example, mambé and Ambila, and you probably have never even heard of them. I haven't, I've never seen them. No, so this one is they're very subtle, they're not psychedelic, they're not psychoactive. They are clerogenic though. So they will open up your mentality, goodness, open up your heart. So this one is called Ambila and it's a black paste, essentially. Oh wow, look at that. Ok, it's a black paste and it's tobacco mixed with water and salt for days to make into a cake. You take a little bit of it, put it on your arm.

Speaker 2:

I had some on my arm or on my hand here and you slowly lick it so it clears the mind. So all of that monkey chatter goes away. And then this one, so they go hand in hand, these two. This is the masculine, this is the feminine, they always go together, gotcha. And then this one you take a little scoop and you put it on the side of your mouth and you slowly eat at it.

Speaker 2:

So this is ground up coca leaf and it does give you a little bit of energy. It's like drinking a cup of coffee. It's very, very subtle, like if you take it at 9 o'clock at night, you might be awake. Seriously same as if you drink a cup of coffee at 9 o'clock at night. You might be awake for a while. And this one opens up your heart center as well as opens up your throat chakra. Nice. So the indigenous would sit around a fire. These are really good medicines for sharing circles. They would sit around the fire in a sharing circle, sharing whatever they need to share, coming with a clear mind and an open heart so they can fully speak their truth. And then it's said when you mix these two together, they give you beautiful words. So clear mind, open heart and giving people beautiful words what they need to receive.

Speaker 1:

And it sounds like it's also good for meditating, like you said.

Speaker 2:

Give her that monkey mind, yeah, but I mean this is like the woo-woo side of it, but actually scientifically there's so many health benefits to both of them, so this one's really good for digestion. I've had IBS my entire life. I've had horrible digestive issues for a long time. I feel a lot of that during my healing process. But take this and it's like relax it a little bit.

Speaker 1:

That's wonderful. I mean, there's so many digestive issues now.

Speaker 2:

Really good for digestive. So if you have this after you eat, it goes through you, you digest really well. It's amazing, this one. It's also really good for the heart. It's really good for the blood. It helps with your entire body composition. There's a lot of actual health benefits to it as well, not just like the woo-woo. Oh yeah, this opens up my heart Because I know a lot of people are like trust me, I'm all the woo, but some people like to hear the science as well.

Speaker 1:

Well, if you're going to use plant medicine, you also wanted to have a health benefit. Of course you do have the mental benefit, but it's mind, body and soul Like you're helping to balance mind, body and soul. What are maybe some other plant medicines that you can talk to us about? So let's talk about ayahuasca. Yeah, I know, like let's do it, let's do it.

Speaker 2:

Might as well. So ayahuasca, if someone's not familiar with it, it is a tea of sorts, a sacred tea coming from the Amazon. So I live in Colombia, very accessible to me. I'm going to Peru to the school. It comes from the Amazon. So Colombia, peru, brazil, those are the main ones that have it, but there's some underground ones in the US that you can find. Plug yourself in. I love it. Come to my retreat center, though. Come to Colombia if you're really interested, absolutely Believe it or not, me personally.

Speaker 2:

I first started learning about the medicine. Like it started showing up, like you need to do this, you need to do this, and for like five years, ayahuasca started showing up for me, and I'm a person that believes you really need to go to the source, where it comes from. I wouldn't drink ayahuasca personally in the US because it also, as soon as you airlift it or you transport it, it loses its properties, similar as cigarettes, similar as alcohol. It loses a lot of those properties. Plus, I want to connect to the earth, connect to the jungle, connect to the nature. I was just in Chicago. I spent three weeks there. One of my sister's friend. She was telling me she did ayahuasca in someone's basement at a suburb in Chicago. I'm like what my goodness?

Speaker 1:

Isn't it supposed to be a sacred ceremony?

Speaker 2:

It is a sacred ceremony. Like, please, there's a lot of. Do your due diligence. If ayahuasca calls you, first things first. Like do not do it, because I'm talking ayahuasca up right now and you hear this podcast and you're like, oh, I'm interested. If it calls you, do your due diligence. There's a lot of centers out there. There's a lot of bad shamans out there. Like there's adopters and there's deductors. There's a shamans and there's D shamans. If you go to a D shamans, he might put in some curse on you. He might try to steal your light. If you have so much light, demonic entities can get into you. Like a lot of harm can be done if you don't do your proper due diligence. So make sure you're doing your due diligence If it calls you.

Speaker 2:

The first time I did ayahuasca I was like, oh my god, this is amazing. Everyone on this planet needs to do this. After working with it for six years, it is not for everyone. I've seen people go like schizophrenic and have brain problems after doing ayahuasca. It wasn't for them. Their intuition told them it wasn't for them. But she was peer pressured by her friends and she ended up doing it and she had a horrible experience and now she thinks she has brain damage. So it is not for everyone. If your intuition tells you no, listen to that gut. Ayahuasca will call you and she will come knocking at your door very, very, very loud.

Speaker 1:

I think it's fascinating. And why would somebody use ayahuasca?

Speaker 2:

for literally for absolutely anything. So I get this question a lot and people are like you've been drinking it like 60, 70 times, are you addicted to it? Like, why do you keep going back? Like, how much healing do you have to do? Like, yes, in the beginning I was healing a lot. I was working on my health, my actual health, my childhood trauma that I've had. Just a lot of healing that I need to.

Speaker 2:

I walk the deals with the big stuff at first and then after that, like I've used it, oh, I want to get my business to the next level, I want to get to 20K months. How, like, what do I need to fix within myself that I can't personally see? That my meditations don't tell me that going into the cashier records don't tell me that I need an outside perspective, cause ayahuasca will pull you out of your consciousness essentially very similar but very different than what Ketamine does, will pull you out and you get like a bird's eye view of what is really going on, what is the deep root of what is going on. She'll show you different perspectives, stuff that you've never thought of and you're like, okay, now I know what I need to do.

Speaker 2:

Maybe you're like, okay, I don't know what my purpose is. I need to go to, like, get better, find my purpose. I need to heal my relationship with my mother. Maybe that's what I'm going for. I have my hair is falling out and doctors don't know what's going on with me. Maybe there's a deeper, underlying root of what is really going on. She'll show you all of that. Sometimes I'm like I just like it's very accessible for me here, like drive half an hour from where I live, there's five ceremonies every single week.

Speaker 2:

Oh my gosh very accessible. So sometimes I'm like I just need a readjustment, like I feel something is off. I need a retunement, realignment, and that's what I go for. Like she's recalibrating my body. She has given me answers to things. She's given me logos. Before I just finished rebranding my website the logo that's on my website it was totally given to me by Iowaska Like just so much insights.

Speaker 2:

You can go literally for anything and everything. But I'm so excited because it is my medicine. It is like why I'm here. But it is very hard. It's hard on the body. You're purging. You need to be on dieta beforehand. Like you need to be cautious about what you're putting in your body, what you're consuming social media, tv, television, what your songs you're listening to, what books you're listening to and it's going to be at least like three, four times you're drinking. It's very hard on the body. You're gonna be purging a lot. You might hate yourself for this. You're like I don't ever wanna do this again. So please do your due diligence. Like if it calls you, call me up, I got you boo.

Speaker 1:

Are you gonna be leading like retreats in this eventually?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so I have a retreat center here in Columbia right now currently doing a conscious cannabis as well as psilocybin. However, after I come back from the jungle, I will be facilitating. I won't be a shaman. That's not what I'm going to school for. That is a lifelong journey that I don't have that calling for. But I will be facilitating the retreats Once I come back. There's a shaman. I specifically wanna work with a female shaman as well. I've never drank with a female shaman before, but I'm just really called to work with a female shaman. So there's a shaman that I know of. I've never sat with her medicine, so I'm gonna come back and sit with her medicine a couple of times, see how her and my energy vibe well together. If not, I wanna go to the Amazons of Columbia and find a female shaman there.

Speaker 1:

I love that. And then so if anyone is interested, can they go to your websites and send you a message? Yep, exactly. And what's your website? Anyanhalamacom, Very simple, and I like how you've entered. You've talked about other modalities like acrostic records, meditating, whatnot, and I really like the perspective of it pulls you out and it gives you a bird's eye view, Like I just I love that 30,000 foot view of really what's going on. I just that sounds really. I've been nervous to do that, but that sounds amazing. She's not quite calling me yet, but maybe soon.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So, for example, like the first time that I went, I needed a lot of clarity on why things happened in my life, just the trauma that I had around my father, why certain things started coming up and my father specifically she took me to my father's childhood showed me how my father was raised, that caused him to do the stuff that he did to me, stuff that I didn't even know about. I'm like what the heck is going on? She gave me a completely like I forgave him so much because I understood where he came from, like I don't know what he was like.

Speaker 2:

I was so angry at him for so long because I didn't know. He hurt me, he upset me, like this is what happened. I didn't talk to him for five years. But seeing that from a completely different perspective, a perspective that he would have probably never even told me about. But seeing that from a different perspective of how he was raised, how his mother treated him, how his father treated him that caused him to do those things to me. Okay, now I understand.

Speaker 1:

And you're able to forgive him, which you may not have doing other things.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I. Honestly. Ayahuasca has been the biggest catalyst to my growth. It is why I am here today. It is, it is my. I love how excited you are for this.

Speaker 1:

It's amazing and I love the fact that you're like look, trust your intuition. If your intuition is telling you no, then don't do it. Do your due diligence, because I do think and I'm sure you've experienced this where people kind of, oh, like they hear it as like a buzzword and then they think it's calling them and really it's not.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, so my story with ayahuasca, so ayahuasca, has been calling me for five years. Every time I opened up a book, I saw ayahuasca. I put on something on TV Chelsea Lately is talking about her journey to Peru. I'm like ayahuasca, ayahuasca, ayahuasca and I was scared.

Speaker 2:

I heard that she attacks your ego first, and I had a massive ego in my twenties, like massive. I'm a completely different person and old me again and I was scared. I also was addicted to drugs and alcohol. I'm like, what am I going to learn about myself? Like I'm going to go to the jungle, do a bunch of drugs. It's going to be fun. Boy was I wrong. So she kept coming up and I came to Columbia in, not in search necessarily of plant medicines, but Medellin, specifically, was also calling me, like I just knew that I needed to come here. I didn't know why. I knew I needed to come here.

Speaker 2:

The first week of being in Medellin, I went to a conscious cannabis ceremony and in the ceremony, good versus evil in my head for hours. Who I am, every decision I've made, every person I've let down, every person I've hurt, like my entire ego deteriorating. It's like you could be this person. You have so much potential, but you did all this bad shit. This is so you're not this person. Like just complete my ego, just completely deteriorating.

Speaker 2:

A very hard ceremony on cannabis. I'm like like I've never had a ceremony ever since like that. And I went to the bathroom afterwards and I'm washing my hands and this is the first time I audibly heard spirit talk to me. I'm very clairvoyant and clear, cognizant. I never hear very rarely, like maybe five, ten times tops. I've heard spirit audibly and I heard you're ready and I'm like what am I? What am I ready for? Like what I love? West Talking to me. The very next day my friend texted me I'm going to an ayahuasca ceremony. Do you want to go? I'm like I'm ready. She comes knocking hard, she will call you and you will know when it's your turn. I have chills.

Speaker 1:

I have chills. I love that. I love how candid you are and how open you are about it, Like I love how passionate you are about it. I just I am so excited. I am too. I leave on Thursday, man, I'm out of here. I love that. Now, one thing I do want to mention, because we're going to be wrapping up pretty soon. You do have two books. You have the oh my goodness, I'm like so discombobulated Rebels Guide to Spirituality and Women Gone Wild, the Wealth Edition. If anyone is interested in those two books, what are the best places for them to?

Speaker 2:

go Both on my website, anyahalamacom.

Speaker 1:

Everything is on there, perfect I love that, and then tell us more. I'm like, I guess, tell us some more about plant medicine, whatever. I wonder honestly, guys, I was prepared. I have a lot of questions. They've all gone by the wayside, all right you.

Speaker 2:

There are tons of different plant medicines out there, all of them doing different things, like the rap a, one that I was telling you about earlier, the one that I was at Burning man facilitating, so that one is an ancestral tobacco snuff mixed with different ashes and different herbs coming from the Amazon as well. It's administered via the nose Very good for opening up your third eye, very good for grounding you. Different ones have different properties. For example, some of them are like, some of them are chest openers. Some of them, if you have like any congestion in your nose, like medicine, like congestion, it'll clean up your sinuses. If you have headaches, some of them will clear that up. All of them will ground you.

Speaker 2:

Really good for meditation, really good for going into, like bigger plant medicines ayahuasca, combo, bufo, for example different medicines. It's very it is tobacco, so you will feel like a little tingles down your body, like it's a bunch of nicotine just shot up your nose, like you'll feel like a rush all of a sudden. But it's really beautiful to connect, to connect to the earth, to ground you. It also balances the masculine and the feminine feminine feminine inside of you, as well as the left and the right side of your hemispheres as well.

Speaker 1:

Will you eventually sell these plant medicines on your website, Possibly?

Speaker 2:

possibly I'm so excited, I'm excited. I came back from Burning man with a kilo of rapese, so I'm happy to sell some to people. If you all want to like, shoot me a message. I'm happy to sell some. She's like I have some.

Speaker 1:

I have some. All right, anna. Thank you so so much for coming on the Spiritual Spotlight Series. Anna is very, very talented in a lot of different other things, but I guess we now have the 3.30 version. Who is amazing, and we look forward to seeing what happens next. So thank you again. Have a great day.

Spiritual Journey and Plant Medicine
Plant Medicines
Plant Medicines
Plant Medicines for Sale on Website

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